Did we go to the Moon? New footage shows perhaps otherwise.

I'm led to believe there's such a thing as salty popcorn, which sounds suspiciously gay to me, and less plausible than man faking a moon landing.
This thread however could go on so long I'll be sick of the regular stuff I might try experimenting with something new.

And if it really, really goes on, I might try the salty popcorn.
Atomic bombs?
Fallen Angels?
Towel of Babel?

And all in the first minute.
Proof: human artifacts found:

Answer me this - how did someone photograph Lionel Jeffries fighting aliens on the moon unless they were on the moon in the first place? Duh.

We've been there for years. This photo blows the whole "no atmosphere" line sky-high. Just a "science" version of "keep off the grass."
Man did go to the moon but false rumours of the hoax were used to create a diversion from the Face On Mars and other remains of a civilisation on this planet which NASA discovered when it first took photos of the place.

And Phobos, one of Mars moons is quite probably an artificial structure built by aliens and not a natural satellite.

Oh yes.
urmston said:
Man did go to the moon but false rumours of the hoax were used to create a diversion from the Face On Mars and other remains of a civilisation on this planet which NASA discovered when it first took photos of the place.

And Phobos, one of Mars moons is quite probably an artificial structure built by aliens and not a natural satellite.

Oh yes.
Ok. Cool.

urmston said:
Man did go to the moon but false rumours of the hoax were used to create a diversion from the Face On Mars and other remains of a civilisation on this planet which NASA discovered when it first took photos of the place.

And Phobos, one of Mars moons is quite probably an artificial structure built by aliens and not a natural satellite.

Oh yes.

Who told you this? The mini jesus who lives in your cock?
I've not watched this, does it say that the Yanks faked six moon landings, or does it stick to the traditional conspiracy theory of not mentioning the other five?

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