Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2015/16

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City need to start prioritising the football and not the brand. That's about the only lesson worth taking from today's match.

As far as I see it, Pellegrini will be gone and the end of the season so it's not worth getting worked up about.
As much as we were told we would spend big and haven't, as much as we were told we would bring big players in and haven't (outside of sterling), there is an argument that suggests you can't buy yourself out of trouble.
We need to coach the players to be better and manage the system more effectively - and this only comes down to one person.

I just hope we qualify for the champions league next year at this rate.
He is lucky to have had Silva, Aguero and Yaya play for him, those three have made him look better than he actually is. Those three players would have kept Moyes in job at Utd.
What ever is said about pre-season and it not being important....the manager has a duty to the fans who paid there money to go to put out a team who can be competitive....he did not fo that with a midfield trio of Evans, Nasri and Silva. We had the same last year in the Charity Sheild as Arsenal tore us apart. Very sad to watch......media will be in overdrive after this sham !
I am looking at this season as Pellegrini's swan song and I am sitting back and going to enjoy the ride.
The midfield three was suicidal and totally inexcusable unless of course he wanted to see what Nasri offered in there. This also put the defence under a lot of pressure and no doubt confidence will have been dented. So overall a poor day at the office for el chileno.

But it was a friendly.

But if we continue defending like this the axe should fall swiftly and decisively Pep or no Pep.
The midfield three was suicidal and totally inexcusable unless of course he wanted to see what Nasri offered in there. This also put the defence under a lot of pressure and no doubt confidence will have been dented. So overall a poor day at the office for el chileno.

But it was a friendly.

But if we continue defending like this the axe should fall swiftly and decisively Pep or no Pep.

The friendly excuse is a valid excuse when early in pre-season, the last game is different. The result doesn't matter, the performance does though.
Wasn't even like we were hit on the break today. We were just dominated and 2 or 3 30 yard passes and they were in on our goal.

He seems to think the more attacking players you have on the pitch the more likely you are to win. It's no surprise that we keep going through DMer after DMer when we spend all our money on attackers. It's time we spend some of these 25-50m fees on a world class holding CM, someone who can shield the CBs with some mobility as well as making us tick in possession.
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