Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2015/16

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I never understood fans who criticized Pellegrini. Ever since that first game against Newcastle, we've always played attractive, attacking football. Objectively, we're by far the best team to watch in England and now we're heavy favourites to win the league. Can't believe people wanted him sacked just a few months ago.
Knocked out of cups at home to Newcastle and boro. Shocking performances. Drew with burnley and hull at home. Lost 4 away games in a row which included burnley and a unforgivable derby performance, where the lack of effort on show was ridiculous. Have to give him credit to win 10 games in a row after that but there was reason he could of been sacked in my opinion.
Knocked out of cups at home to Newcastle and boro. Shocking performances. Drew with burnley and hull at home. Lost 4 away games in a row which included burnley and a unforgivable derby performance, where the lack of effort on show was ridiculous. Have to give him credit to win 10 games in a row after that but there was reason he could of been sacked in my opinion.
Exactly! And there were legitimate reasons to criticize. As there are fantastic reasons to praise him now.
Knocked out of cups at home to Newcastle and boro. Shocking performances. Drew with burnley and hull at home. Lost 4 away games in a row which included burnley and a unforgivable derby performance, where the lack of effort on show was ridiculous. Have to give him credit to win 10 games in a row after that but there was reason he could of been sacked in my opinion.

Far too much hyperbole there pal. It's exactly this kind of knee jerking we should be trying to get away from.
Far too much hyperbole there pal. It's exactly this kind of knee jerking we should be trying to get away from.
Your exactly right there because he did turn it around and I didn't think that was possible. Certainly not to this extent. That post was a reaction to someone saying he couldn't believe people wanted him sacked, but there was reasons in my opinion. But then again I still think he wasn't sacked because pep is coming next season.
Your exactly right there because he did turn it around and I didn't think that was possible. Certainly not to this extent. That post was a reaction to someone saying he couldn't believe people wanted him sacked, but there was reasons in my opinion. But then again I still think he wasn't sacked because pep is coming next season.

There was certainly reasons to criticise but not to sack him or are we going to sack our managers now whenever the team hits a patch of bad form?
There was certainly reasons to criticise but not to sack him or are we going to sack our managers now whenever the team hits a patch of bad form?

Yep, don't sack a double winning manager for a patch of bad form and looking at how he's come out of that patch of form, I'd say he's top class and exactly who we need at the helm.
Far too much hyperbole there pal. It's exactly this kind of knee jerking we should be trying to get away from.
You would not say that under Mancini

The somersaults in opinion are ridiculous. He can't be a good manager one month and a bad one the next, and vice versa and the same goes for Mourinho.

They are both following similar paths in terms of titles, and the season after.

But what else do fans have to go off other than results and performances on the pitch. In hindsight you realise how silly your opinion was.

Perhaps we should just realise we know very little about what is going on and recognise that managers are not all powerful, and that other things go into a teams performance such as a players mentality which a manager can not influence

Players like Vieira, Keane, Terry and Lampard make managers. They have as much influence as managers. Getting someone like that, a 2nd manager on the pitch and an ally in the dressing room and on the pitch is the single-most important thing a manager can do.
Your exactly right there because he did turn it around and I didn't think that was possible. Certainly not to this extent. That post was a reaction to someone saying he couldn't believe people wanted him sacked, but there was reasons in my opinion. But then again I still think he wasn't sacked because pep is coming next season.

Weirdly enough other than the bad form we hit early in his tenure away from home, that patch which cost us the title last season was the only real bad form we've had under Pellegrini. I think the key though is that the way he has gotten the players to react, although of course huge competition for places and new blood helps.

I think as supporters we can't help but be influenced by the media narrative which surrounds our club - so whilst Van Gaal's 4th place finish is a victory, or Arsenal finishing 3rd is a victory, we finish 2nd have a bad run of form and everyone thinks Pellegrini's for the chop. I think last season it didn't help that those Pep stories broke whilst we were in that bad run of form.

Credit where it's due though and what Pellegrini has shown since then is exactly the kind of calm leadership skills which were required when the team has a moment of struggling.
There was certainly reasons to criticise but not to sack him or are we going to sack our managers now whenever the team hits a patch of bad form?

It's always hard to judge whether it's bad form or bad management because ultimately we aren't privy to what goes on on the training pitch and how the players are reacting to how poor form is being managed. I think it's clear that certain players last season let themselves and the team down. We should also learn something from Chelsea's current malaise. I remember many many people saying "we'd never be as bad at the back under Mourinho" or " if Mourinho had our squad we'd have walked the league".

Lets see how he does this season.
It's always hard to judge whether it's bad form or bad management because ultimately we aren't privy to what goes on on the training pitch and how the players are reacting to how poor form is being managed. I think it's clear that certain players last season let themselves and the team down. We should also learn something from Chelsea's current malaise. I remember many many people saying "we'd never be as bad at the back under Mourinho" or " if Mourinho had our squad we'd have walked the league".

Lets see how he does this season.

Easier said than done but giving a manager three seasons means that you acccount for any rogue spells of form, good or bad.
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