Disgraceful press attacks on our owners, unbelievable

Daily Mail article: Vultures



There’s a lot of stuff in that article which if true seriously makes you think that the Cook/Marwood team is in fact the problem at the club. According to the article there seemed to be a rift between Hughes' team and Cook/Marwood and the fact that they were instrumental in tapping up other managers suggests they had to get rid of Hughes et al before they themselves were sent packing.

One worrying thing in the article is that it highlights several gaffs by Cook and shows him up to be rather unprofessional and severely lacking in class and sheer human decency. When he first came in I thought he would bring a bit of style to the way the club was run. However with comments such as those about AC Milan 'bottling it' it seems as though he doesn’t understand how a man in his role should be conducting himself.

I think one positive to come out of the change of manager is that the club will hopefully function more as a collective unit. Now Cook/Marwood have appointed their man (albeit not 1st choice) we can start to have some continuity whereby we see an end to incidents such as the one following the Chelsea victory earlier this month where it was evidently clear that there was a serious scission behind the scenes. It is hoped that with this we can now move forward putting all the problems of Hughes v Cook behind us and hopefully it will make a difference on the pitch.
shlooney said:
They deserve both barrells.

I would like a fan revolt to send the Sheik back to the deserts and Gary Cook back eating hot dogs but i don't hold out much hope. Most of our fans, including most of you lot, are blinded by the promise of all this money. You can stick it as far as i'm concerned.

'Manchester thanks the Sheik'. Embarrassing. Barely recognise our club any more

Iwould prefer you to boycott the club along with all the other so called fans who are currently providing ammunition for the media to fire at the club. If you don’t like what the Club has done just piss off if it causes you a problem. Or are you going to be a big hypocrite and say one thing then keep giving the club your money. Just how annoyed are you? or do you just want centre stage for a post.
I doubt it's racism. They'd be the same if it where American owners and they'd call them Yanks. I think some people are being a bit sensitive today.
Bossman Blue said:
shlooney said:
They deserve both barrells.

I would like a fan revolt to send the Sheik back to the deserts and Gary Cook back eating hot dogs but i don't hold out much hope. Most of our fans, including most of you lot, are blinded by the promise of all this money. You can stick it as far as i'm concerned.

'Manchester thanks the Sheik'. Embarrassing. Barely recognise our club any more

Iwould prefer you to boycott the club along with all the other so called fans who are currently providing ammunition for the media to fire at the club. If you don’t like what the Club has done just piss off if it causes you a problem. Or are you going to be a big hypocrite and say one thing then keep giving the club your money. Just how annoyed are you? or do you just want centre stage for a post.

Would you really prefer me to boycott the club? Been a City fan all my life mate so seems a strange thing to want your fellow Blue not to go anymore. Or are you that sensitive to anyone criticising the new regime (Reich?)? Would you prefer a world where we all agree on what the bosses say and goes along without a grumble.
MCFC isn't like that and our fans aren't like that (or haven't been - maybe i'm a dinosaur?). Speaking our mind is a grand old Mancunian tradition. Seems that you are happy with 'Big Brother' but, mate, i'm not. Unfortunately, as you probably know, being a blue isn't a choice. So, as much as you might not like it, as much as i HATE what is happening to our club i will still come along and cheer them on.
'Ammunition for the media' give me a break. What are you on about? I can't be doing with the Sheik or Gary Cook or paying for £47 for a match or for sacking Hughes and i will say so. Nowt to do with you what i think pal
shlooney said:
Bossman Blue said:
Iwould prefer you to boycott the club along with all the other so called fans who are currently providing ammunition for the media to fire at the club. If you don’t like what the Club has done just piss off if it causes you a problem. Or are you going to be a big hypocrite and say one thing then keep giving the club your money. Just how annoyed are you? or do you just want centre stage for a post.

Would you really prefer me to boycott the club? Been a City fan all my life mate so seems a strange thing to want your fellow Blue not to go anymore. Or are you that sensitive to anyone criticising the new regime (Reich?)? Would you prefer a world where we all agree on what the bosses say and goes along without a grumble.
MCFC isn't like that and our fans aren't like that (or haven't been - maybe i'm a dinosaur?). Speaking our mind is a grand old Mancunian tradition. Seems that you are happy with 'Big Brother' but, mate, i'm not. Unfortunately, as you probably know, being a blue isn't a choice. So, as much as you might not like it, as much as i HATE what is happening to our club i will still come along and cheer them on.
'Ammunition for the media' give me a break. What are you on about? I can't be doing with the Sheik or Gary Cook or paying for £47 for a match or for sacking Hughes and i will say so. Nowt to do with you what i think pal

Where abouts will that be?Just so long as it's as far away from 111 as possible.
shlooney said:
Bossman Blue said:
Iwould prefer you to boycott the club along with all the other so called fans who are currently providing ammunition for the media to fire at the club. If you don’t like what the Club has done just piss off if it causes you a problem. Or are you going to be a big hypocrite and say one thing then keep giving the club your money. Just how annoyed are you? or do you just want centre stage for a post.

Would you really prefer me to boycott the club? Been a City fan all my life mate so seems a strange thing to want your fellow Blue not to go anymore. Or are you that sensitive to anyone criticising the new regime (Reich?)? Would you prefer a world where we all agree on what the bosses say and goes along without a grumble.
MCFC isn't like that and our fans aren't like that (or haven't been - maybe i'm a dinosaur?). Speaking our mind is a grand old Mancunian tradition. Seems that you are happy with 'Big Brother' but, mate, i'm not. Unfortunately, as you probably know, being a blue isn't a choice. So, as much as you might not like it, as much as i HATE what is happening to our club i will still come along and cheer them on.
'Ammunition for the media' give me a break. What are you on about? I can't be doing with the Sheik or Gary Cook or paying for £47 for a match or for sacking Hughes and i will say so. Nowt to do with you what i think pal

Light a few candles round your picture of Sparky on the mantlepeice and fucking get over it you big drama queen!
Richard said:
Interesting how they papers were slating Hughes for his underperforming, but as soon as he is sacked, he is their best mate.

So true and the ultimate irony. 'Pressure increasing on Hughes' etc after every match.

Seems to me if you're going to sack someone, immediately after a match is the best time for the club, even if it's a bit ruthless on the manager (who will have about 4.5 million quid to console him). Gives the new guy a full week to get things moving.
shlooney said:
Bossman Blue said:
Iwould prefer you to boycott the club along with all the other so called fans who are currently providing ammunition for the media to fire at the club. If you don’t like what the Club has done just piss off if it causes you a problem. Or are you going to be a big hypocrite and say one thing then keep giving the club your money. Just how annoyed are you? or do you just want centre stage for a post.

Would you really prefer me to boycott the club? Been a City fan all my life mate so seems a strange thing to want your fellow Blue not to go anymore. Or are you that sensitive to anyone criticising the new regime (Reich?)? Would you prefer a world where we all agree on what the bosses say and goes along without a grumble.
MCFC isn't like that and our fans aren't like that (or haven't been - maybe i'm a dinosaur?). Speaking our mind is a grand old Mancunian tradition. Seems that you are happy with 'Big Brother' but, mate, i'm not. Unfortunately, as you probably know, being a blue isn't a choice. So, as much as you might not like it, as much as i HATE what is happening to our club i will still come along and cheer them on.
'Ammunition for the media' give me a break. What are you on about? I can't be doing with the Sheik or Gary Cook or paying for £47 for a match or for sacking Hughes and i will say so. Nowt to do with you what i think pal

You know I was going to give a response to this but in the end I would have been wasting my breath. Other than to ask what actual proof do you or others have to show anyone other than a manager who could not get HIS players to defend after being in charge 18 months has anything to regret?
Just online is the Times Oliver Kay, he is reflecting and saying our owners are still among the best..............

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