Do Aliens actually exist ?

Bill Walker

Well-Known Member
24 Dec 2006
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It may be we are completely alone
12 possible reasons why we haven't encountered aliens.

I like No 2.
There is no intelligent life besides us. (This assumes, of course, that humans count as intelligent.)

Humans may well be intelligent, we can build a nuclear bomb.......but how stupid are we for having 4000 of them dotted around the place, just waiting to destroy our planet :)

For those who have an interest in the subject , you might find this interesting.'s+paradox
If we are the best and the brightest in an endless universe then God help us all...
Of course they do. It's an extremely thin probability that we're the only life anywhere ever.

The argument really is whether intelligent life exists and if we are in the right place and time period to ever meet it.

The truth is out there. Also they post on YouTube.

Seriously though I love this shit but the chances of intelligent alien life existing during our brief period on Earth and also being close enough to be detected is probably close to zero given the age of the universe and the vast distances. We will end up finding some basic life forms I guess. Titan could be a good bet.
Due to our understanding of evolution we would, by ourselves, be deemed one of the first. That it's self needs context though, first few civilizations or first few million? Also how many had the right ingredients, distance from star, sufficient magnetosphere all the things used in the refined drake equation really.

In short, we are not alone with my understanding of the maths (which is limited) involved. As Damocles notes, who is gauging chances of us existing? Be they in our or another galaxy, who else is aware of their own existence like us?

I like to think life will find a way long after the last star dies, this is my ultimate wish for life, to be able to exist with the remnants of a universe that gives no starlight anymore.
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It might be a mistake looking for them and attempting to communicate with them though. Havent we got enough problems here on Earth ?
I mean, can we handle even more differing points of view and opinions ? Martians or whatever they may be called may force a second Brexit referendum, or they could be nasty and force Britain to be part of a new world order, a member of Eurasia, permanently at war with Oceania and Eastasia. Convince us all that war is actually peace..

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