Do the Royal Family care about Harry?

One of my arguments against hereditary monarchy is that it forces the members of that family to live unnaturally. It's almost a recipe for mental illness.

You live much of your life in a goldfish bowl where the wankers in the press dissect your every move. They photograph you endlessly and chase after you if you dare have an interest in a member of the opposite, maybe fucking the relationship if the other person can't cope with the hassle. If you're a woman, they discuss how you dress, what hairstyle you have, the fucking lot. Your life is set out for you. Public boarding school, uni (whether you have the aptitude or not), armed services (whether you have the inclination or not) then a lifetime of cutting ribbons, eating lunches and dinners with assorted boring cunts, making speeches but not being allowed to say anything of significance. If, for example, you think the government are a bunch of corrupt, callous scumbags, you have to keep it to yourself. You have to be a patron of charities whether you give a shit or not. You have to do certain things that are expected of you, whether you can be arsed or not. It's all part of the job, and you better have the right face on too, even if you think what you're attending is a pile of shite.

Ok, it's well-paid. Very well-paid. And you get a lot of deference if you're into that sort of thing. (I'm the sort of person who dislikes being called 'sir' by a waiter, but I know some folk enjoy being toadied to.)

So, Harry opted out. His reward is to be treated by the press as though he's Hitler, while his woman gets slagged off like she's Messalina on steroids. All because he did not conform.

I couldn't cope with any of that shite, so if I'd been born into it I'd have opted out too. I'd just have kept my gob shut though, and quietly sought a life as an academic at Oxford or Cambridge. But you have to have brains to do that, and - well, let's say the RF are not noted as intellectuals.
It's a gilded cage.
Funny how few opt out. Ed 8 was the last before Harry. Princess Margaret opted to stay in at the price of giving up her fiance. Something to do with free money, I think.
Can we take a minute to appreciate the OPs brilliant opening post.

"Give him a 'toy job', let him fanny about in a helicopter while his hair falls out and his ears grow to the size of a donkey." Amazing.

Not sure what happened to this poster but see he or she hasn't posted for 10 years almost go the day now.

It must be time for a return and a sequel to this classic...
I'm pro republic and anti monarchy but I didn't really think his post was brilliant.

The two princes have suffered losing their Mother at the age they did and they, (in particular Harry) served the country well. I felt genuinely sorry for them at Diana's funeral parade.
I also don't hold with telling a bloke his Dad isn't his Dad.

Harry and Meghan are the only two I like out of all of them, not snobs like they all are. I don't blame them for getting away. The UK press have annihilated both of them.
Charles seems really happy with Camilla. Harry seems perfectly happy with Megan.
If anyone hates Harry I doubt it is his old man.
Not sure I get the point you're making? The bedrock of my original post was that some arseholes on here try to convince us the Royal Family are anything other than repulsive thieves.

People have different opinions mate, most don't get het up about one section of entitlement.

The Kings speech was the most watched thing on telly over Xmas because it's a tradition, most people treat the royal family as a tradition.

Now the BBC who are real robbing cunts, they can fuck off ;)
People have different opinions mate, most don't get het up about one section of entitlement.

The Kings speech was the most watched thing on telly over Xmas because it's a tradition, most people treat the royal family as a tradition.

Now the BBC who are real robbing cunts, they can fuck off ;)
But you agree they are entitled? That's a start I suppose. The hard-working people of this country don't owe them a living, they contribute fuck all to our society and I'd reroute my taxes to impoverished families tomorrow if I had a choice; but I don't, which is what makes it repulsive.

I'm also not sure I'd use a speech which was televised on every terrestrial channel as a yardstick for overwhelming popularity; most were probably tucking into their food at the time and had it on as background noise.
But you agree they are entitled? That's a start I suppose. The hard-working people of this country don't owe them a living, they contribute fuck all to our society and I'd reroute my taxes to impoverished families tomorrow if I had a choice; but I don't, which is what makes it repulsive.

I'm also not sure I'd use a speech which was televised on every terrestrial channel as a yardstick for overwhelming popularity; most were probably tucking into their food at the time and had it on as background noise.

Ermm yeah of course they are entitled, the money argumant is a bit thin they cost hardly anything a year but entitlement I am with you all the way.

Every country has them though, in all but name they have their top tier people either through born advantage or religious cronyism.

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