Do you believe the Universe is infinite?

hilts said:
I don't know why I read these threads, I am none the wiser and my head hurts, bloody science geeks can never put across ideas to us dumb folk, if it can't be explained with a balloon and a few marbles then I'm putting it down to God

Cos it's interesting? i'm dumb but it makes me think anyway. I remember thinking about gravity and after an anology with a ball on a trampoline from Damo i think..I Immediately thought of those coin spinning charity dome things in McDonalds or elsewhere. Where you feed in a penny and it revolves round the machine, making shorter and shorter circles, until it eventually disappears into a dark hole. I thought I had it.

Then I thought, well the earth isn't falling into sun is it? So I abandonned it. Then months later I read the earth is actually sinkholing into the sun, just in minute increments.

I was so happy the earth was gonna burn :)

I think I read the sun will supernova before earth sinks into the fire though, but still.
Damo, admit it mate. Are you

I'm a big fan
hilts said:
I don't know why I read these threads, I am none the wiser and my head hurts, bloody science geeks can never put across ideas to us dumb folk, if it can't be explained with a balloon and a few marbles then I'm putting it down to God

I get some of it when Damocles explains it and more so when Brian Cox does things both are very good at talking down to idiots but in a nice way

I would love to spend a few hours with Brian Cox I am sure it would help with my grasp of rudimentary physics
Good gravity/warping of space time video here from Dan Burns:

A small amendment.

I said in a previous post that I'd read the earth was sink-holing extremely slowly into the sun. I am sure I had read that, but it was possibly from an old 80's Asimov book.

I googled the question and it seems the prevailing thoughts are that the earth is in fact slowing down in it's orbit (albeit again very slowly) and is actually moving away from the sun. This seems counter intuitive, I would have thought the slower the orbit, the more susceptible to the Sun's gravitation pull we'd be.

Anyway, i'd hate to be pedaling false information, but more fool anyone who takes anything I say as gospel.
Here's that donut theory I mentioned on page 4. It's interesting to consider but it is just a theory. Could explain why we can't see any edge to the universe.

I think it's infinite, and somewhere in the vastness of space and time, City are actually beating a team of hard-working journeymen after having 75% possession and 22 shots.
dronefromsector7g said:
I think it's infinite, and somewhere in the vastness of space and time, City are actually beating a team of hard-working journeymen after having 75% possession and 22 shots.

You need to work on a formula for the 'can we distort time' thread.

We'd smash CP given another chance almost possibly.
Okay I got the earth and sun thing until someone changed it and said it is moving further away, if the universe is expanding like blowing up a balloon, what's outside the baloon?

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