Do you hate being hated?

King Of The Kippax

Well-Known Member
2 Oct 2008
Do you hate the fact that we are now hated, do you love the fact we are hated, or do you not give a shit either way?

In a sense i dont give a shit either way but i do hate the bollocks and shit spouting that some other clubs fans come out with.
Doesn't bother me what other supporters think. They are all deluded because they support a team other than City. Probably jealous too.
As we become more successful we will get more stick , fair enough , it's the hypocrisy I can't stand , the two gooners on here yesterday giving it out about our " sugar daddy" and yet they we're bailed out to the tune of £50m, also the constant mentioning of our " Arab " owners is wearing a bit thin now.
I don't really care what the media or supporters of other clubs think about us, be it good or (more common of late) bad. Their opinions/feelings have no bearing whatsoever on how I feel towards my club. Up to them; let them think what they want.
I have good mates who are fans of various other teams who would still like to see City do well, so there are definitely still a lot out there who don't hate us. I guess those that do are the ones who have no connection whatsoever to the club, and therefore no idea of what we, as fans, have been through to get here.

However, I have been shocked this year at the reaction that goals scored against us have received in the pub where I watch the games. It's a huge pub full of expat English football fans of all teams (every single game is shown live in there) and there is now always a loud cheer whenever we concede.

It seems that there are plenty out there willing us to fail, which I find quite sad, as I think City fans in general are representative of the vast majority of non-gloryhunting football fans out there. Despite our wealth, we're the perennial underdogs; supporters of clubs like Stoke, Norwich, Everton, Newcastle, Villa, Sunderland, West Brom, Fulham etc etc should be willing us on, because we are them. But for some reason, they're not.

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