Do you need commentators?

Lancet Fluke said:
Commentators are fairly essential, it is the idiot ex pro co-commentators that I wish they didn't have. Listening to cocks like Platt and Lawrenson really can ruin a match.

Agree with this.....fuck off all co-commentators. Not needed.
Personally I think we need them, although obviously some are better than others. I also like the ex pro, although again some like David Pleat just annoy me!

Try wayching with the sound off, its no good!

Plus I am sad, I love the stats!
As I've said elsewhere when people moan about the comments these twats make........ when you go to the game you don't need anyone explaining what is going on in front of your eyes do you?

So to answer the OP's question -IMO no you don't need commentators, when their only purpose is to tell you what you can see for yourself. They addd zero by way of insights into the game and have created an occupation out of "observing" over 3 or 4 slow-mo re-runs that a lino's decision made in real time "was a bit close" or the classic - when some cnut has pathetically thrown herself down in the area and doesn't get a penner - "I've seen those given" (failing to add that it was only ever to a rag shirted slime at the swamp!).

Hit the mute button - you will find the coverage so much more enjoyable.
mcfc_die_hard said:
When we are watching the game on the tele do we really need commentators?

They only seem to mention stats etc...

What are your thoughts on it?

i was having this conversation with a friend only a few weeks back, how would it sound with no commentators, we put it on mute and watched 30 seconds of the game and obviously you can't hear the crowd like you normally would, i think it would make the game very boring to watch without them, even though sometimes they do talk shit it makes the game,

it wouldn't be the same just to hear the crowd roar and not hear the commentators go mad, like a last minute goal where andy gray goes mad, it's all part of it,

although, i think it would work well on the radio.........
When sky(probably bskyb then) first started showing football you had the option on the remote to exclude the commentators but still keep the crowd noise.It was great ! Think they stopped it because most matches on sky involve the rags and you may as well have it on mute where they are involved.
I don't mind the commentators, it's the colour commentator that I can't stand. Over here in Toronto I get all the games on Setanta and the colour commentator for just about every City game is that prick lou macari. I can't believe the negative crap that comes out of his mouth in regards to City. In the game against Stoke he mentioned the loss to the scum at least three times, I nearly kicked the telly in. I'm going to write to Setanta and do my fruit. I mean seriously, what kind of fucking idiot thinks it would be a good idea to let a rag comment on a City game.
They are worth having for that one moment when they hit the mark and those few seconds take you back to a special day.
"some people are on the pitch.............."
and of course "can you believe it?"
Why does Radio 5 need two commentators per match, with each doing half of each half?

All other radio stations, including other BBC ones like Radio Manchester, use one commentator for the whole match. I don't think a 90 minute shift with a 15 minute break in the middle is too much for anyone.

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