Great British railways bill has been "shelved" until this dispute is finished.
The document they want us to agree to is a bonfire of contractual and collective bargaining rights. It's written in such a way that "consultation" will last for 3 months and then imposed if there's no agreement.
The wording of it could argue that any future strikes called can be blocked in court because the union agreed to the document.
It's a big fuck off trap.
Great British Railways (only available in England) will be sold as "renationalised public railway" will be run by a hedge fund company on a "management contract"
The plan is few "multi skilled" staff on permanent contracts "At major stations", with lower rates of pay and fuck all work/life balance.
Peak travel; such as national sporting events/holiday resorts will be covered by 3 month contracts or agency staff on minimum wage.
The whole thing hasn't been thought through by any fucker who understands the railway industry. It's a political document intent on destroying union power.
Company emails are bombarding us falsely claiming it's a 13% pay for very little changes to contracts and demanding we tell our union we want a referendum to accept. Neglecting to mention that all contracts will change as per the terms in the document if agreed.
If head office agrees to this. It's not only the members that are fucked it's the union as well.