Do you want Tevez to stay?

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I feel ambivilent really.. i just want it sorted one way or the other. I feel that he is ultimately used by that oily chancer kia joorabchian, but, KJ got Tevez the deals that catapulted him into being a very highly paid footballer so who i am i to say i wouldn't feel the same way if someone had recognised a talent i had and brokered all the shit and made it happen .In short, gave me a life i couldn't dream of otherwise, am sure i would trust them and love them and want them to get a share too. However i am sick and tired of the stunts pulled and the tricky pressers etc, if we can get a reasonable value and it ends the big top surrounding carlos and kia then thanks for everything ta ra!!
As soon as the shite started again at the end of the season - a definite no! Regardless if he stays or goes, he should be stripped of the captaincy immediately. He cost us a serious crack on the league because of all his antics at the turn of the year, and we have more than proved we can win without him. If he wants to fuck off back to Argentina so desperately, then let him buy himself out of his contract - I bet he wont rush into doing that. Likewise we deffo need a couple of key players to replace him.
Like most other workers, Tevez isn't entirely happy about where he works and he would like to work closer to home and / or earn more. Who doesn't?
Also like most other workers, Tevez has a gripe about it now and then but still puts a full stint in while on the job and is beneficial to his employer. Employer knows he'd like a move but happy to employ him in the meantime because he works hard and does a bloody good job.
Added thought is like most workers, Tevez hasn't put in a formal transfer request / handed in his notice.

So yes, regardless of the fact that I'm a bit pissed off by the palaver - I'll be delighted for Tevez to stay and think that we'd have an amazing line-up if / when Aguero comes in.

F#ck the media and it's divisive intrusion into our lives . . I don't intend to get hung up over it and I'll be delighted to see how Kun & Carlos play together if that comes to be.
black mamba said:
Irrelevant .....

he WON'T be stayin' !

Nobody is exactly beating down City's door with a cheque for £50 mill, so I wouldnt be to sure about him leaving.

The stupid prick should have took City's offer of another 2 years and then you can leave for south america on a free, this is of course if it was true.

Alternativly he could have kept his cock in his pants and his misses may not have fucked off with the kids back to Argentina.
I'd rather shove wasps up my a**e than put up with the tubby ones antics anymore. Shame he's such a great player..................
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