Does Mancini have the courage to drop Tevez?

Bigga said:
Rammy Blue said:
Sorry fella but that is one huge pile of steaming horseshit.

Doesn't even warrant a full response.

That's because you're not even thinking about how many times Tevez opts to take on a shot rather than play someone through cos he hasn't tried a mazy dribble.

'Horseshit' is the answer you gave cos it's a cop out because you don't even want to think about it.

Sorry for analysing a situation that Tévez would most likely ignore.

A bit like your 'horseshit' response should be.


Let's slag Tevez because he can't play a through ball like Silva, ycnmiu.
Rammy Blue said:
Bigga said:
That's because you're not even thinking about how many times Tevez opts to take on a shot rather than play someone through cos he hasn't tried a mazy dribble.

'Horseshit' is the answer you gave cos it's a cop out because you don't even want to think about it.

Sorry for analysing a situation that Tévez would most likely ignore.

A bit like your 'horseshit' response should be.


Let's slag Tevez because he can't play a through ball like Silva, ycnmiu.

No, now you're just being a d*ck. I 'slag' Tévez cos he simply chooses to ignore moves like the one Zaba initiated cos he likes to make things more complicated than they need be. Ergo, as a rule we score less than we should when other players are in BETTER positions! Such as Zabs played through by Silva.

Your hero would have switched the play or gone for it himself losing out on the more direct route to goal chance as previous situations have proven.

Of course, you don't want to acknowledge this credible point, so you'd rather play The Jester.

So be it.
Tevez is a striker...

Silva is a playmaker...

What point are you trying to make Bigga?
It's not about courage.It's about Mancini's ability to pick the right team from the fit players available and imo if Tevez is one of those players he will be one of the first names on the team sheet.

There has been plenty of garbage trying to suggest that we have played better as a team because Carlos hasnt been there but that's all it has been, garbage.

Can't disagree that Tevez wasn't playing to his best before his injury but again imo that form still made him better than the alternatives.I fully expect ,as long as he is fit,that Tevez will be 100% up for it and top class on his return.
blueinsa said:
Tevez is a striker...

Silva is a playmaker...

What point are you trying to make Bigga?

Tévez is an SS, which allows him to drift between playmaker and striker. Quite often he would been in the position that Silva was in when he received the ball. I'm saying that it would have been likely that that move would not have been completed with Tévez in the team, cos

a) he'd have taken that space either where Silva got the ball OR forcing Zaba to run wider to get a cross in, rather than a shot and

b) that he would have killed that play by switching to the opposite side or(mostly) going for goal.

I'm saying with Silva as sole playmaker, rather than working in tandem with Tévez, he is acutely aware of the forward movement of the TEAM and tries more often than not, to put them in as they are in better positions. I'm also aware that this can be to a fault, but you don't expect players like Balo to pass a ball towards goal, rather than break the net!

Anyway, I know what I mean and that's all that counts.

Fook it, I'll be glad when the tosser has gone.
Braggster said:
BillyShears said:
Considering this thread is entitled "Does Mancini have the courage to drop Tevez?" - I think the brainwashing is evident in the number of people who are suggesting it would be a wise thing for footballing reasons.

I think the subtext in most of Mancini's recent comments about Carlos has been pretty clear - and has had the desired effect upon the more easily impressionable supporters.
You don't seriously believe this, do you?

It'll be a tough decision whether he plays or not, but his two open play goals since December hardly help his case.

As another esteemed poster put it, Carlos left us in December.

la cosa buffa è che sembra ce ne siamo accorti in pochi , ma i numeri parlano chiaro.

ancora piu buffo è il come mai praticamente nessuno ha pensato di attribuire a tevez la nostra uscita dalla corsa per il titolo , come se un atto del genere non avesse influito/potuto influire sull'umore dello spogliatoio e conseguentemente sulle prestazioni e sui risultati da natale in poi
Carlos Tevez has not travelled with #mcfc squad 2 Everton. Felt fit 4 bench but Mancini saving him for Spurs. They had meeting today.
from Ladyman in Daily Mail
With Tevez it's ALL about Tevez! He will walk up the steps of Wembley and hoist the FA cup aloft (hopefully) then simply walk away from our club and not give a flying fuck. Selfish bastard. I would have him on the bench for the final and VK the captain. The TRUE and real captain of our team and club!
I actually hope that Mancini has the courage to bring him to the Cup Final.

I believe that Mancini would prefer not to have this selection problem, hence the regular comments about him having to be match fit in advance of the final.

Me? If Tevez was 80% fit on Cup Final day and I had to make a choice between him or Jo for the bench, then it's a no brainer for me.

We have to use our most prolific striker, even if it's only as a sub.

I hope Mancini doesn't hold grudges, and just concentrates on winning the trophy.
TGR said:
With Tevez it's ALL about Tevez! He will walk up the steps of Wembley and hoist the FA cup aloft (hopefully) then simply walk away from our club and not give a flying fuck. Selfish bastard. I would have him on the bench for the final and VK the captain. The TRUE and real captain of our team and club!
who cares

the bit that only matters is lifting the cup

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