Does our Badge need a make over ?

That badge of Salzburgs is fucking shit, its just the red bull logo, the company that owns the club.

That Ajax badge is an abortion compared to the one it replaced.

Palmeries badge is just shit

Juventus badge is plain.

Citys cuurent badge is good, and when asked about the 3 stars, I tell people they stand for winning the 3 domestic competions in consecutive seasons
Shaggy said:
That badge of Salzburgs is fucking shit, its just the red bull logo, the company that owns the club.

That Ajax badge is an abortion compared to the one it replaced.

Palmeries badge is just shit

Juventus badge is plain.

Citys cuurent badge is good, and when asked about the 3 stars, I tell people they stand for winning the 3 domestic competions in consecutive seasons

Those stars were added by some designer in an office somewhere (who knew fuck all about football) for no other reason than to add "continental flair"

Fine when we're playing Tranmere and Burnley but now we're playing top European sides who have earned the stars above their badge.

If we went on to win the champions league next season would we add a 4th! Embarrassing.

Er no as the champions league is not a domestic trophey.

We'd have 4 on there already as we have won the cup winners cup.

Thats why said domestic, it seems to stun certain fans of other clubs when I give them that answer.

I know why the stars were added like you point out.

Not all clubs abroad have stars on their badges for winning things, some is just decoration
The old badge had a rose to represent Lancashire. Manchester is no longer part of Lancashire so I'm glad that's gone. If we were to revert to the old badge we'd have to have the stripes instead of the rose.

I like the current badge anyway. Every part of it is a symbol of Manchester, except for the stars which need to go!
The three stars, the yellow chicken, the stupid Latin are all a load of shit.
Personally I don't see the point of the stars. I'm ok with it other wise. My favourite designs I quite like the traditional ones like Blackburn's and Chelsea's but I also like the simplicity of Borussia Dortmund.
Have got used to our badge now. At first I thought (and still do) "what the fluff is that eagle and them stars all about?"

What about a round badge, like the old one, with Manchester City F.C. and a bee in the middle, with blue and white stripes. That's a proper symbol of Manchester. It'll never happen, but I can live in hope :)
badman said:
weeman19_89 said:
I think the only change that will happen is once we win our first champions league they will remove two of the stars.

why would they do that ?

-- Sat May 25, 2013 10:16 pm --

I'm With Stupid said:
badman said:
Any badge that actually has a big picture of a football in it is by definition shite.

awesome logo. admit it.

Jesus, thats the badge of feckin plastic clubs. Red Bull aka Lemonade FC aka Plastic Idiots aka Arrogant Basterds. Hate em with passion.

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