Does our Badge need a make over ?

BTH said:
jimmy blue shoes said:
Shaggy said:
That badge of Salzburgs is fucking shit, its just the red bull logo, the company that owns the club.

That Ajax badge is an abortion compared to the one it replaced.

Palmeries badge is just shit

Juventus badge is plain.

Citys cuurent badge is good, and when asked about the 3 stars, I tell people they stand for winning the 3 domestic competions in consecutive seasons

Those stars were added by some designer in an office somewhere (who knew fuck all about football) for no other reason than to add "continental flair"

Fine when we're playing Tranmere and Burnley but now we're playing top European sides who have earned the stars above their badge.

If we went on to win the champions league next season would we add a 4th! Embarrassing.


Mick Peek, to be accurate - who is a football fan so knows a fair bit about it, I would wager! ;-)

Not seen him for years, but this is him, IIRC. Might be an idea for someone with a twitter account to tweet him for the lowdown, but keep it clean.

Quote from t'interweb...

The Red Bull company bought the club on 6 April 2005 and rebranded it. After the takeover, Red Bull changed the club's name, management, and staff, declaring "this is a new club with no history." Red Bull initially claimed on the club website that the club was founded in 2005, but was ordered to remove this claim by the Austrian F.A. The new authority removed all trace of violet from the club logo and the team now play in the colours of red and white, to the consternation of much of the club's traditional support. A small pair of wings form the motif of the new club crest, displayed on the team jersey, in accordance with Red Bull's commercial slogan at the time: "It gives you wings." This complete re-branding of the team proved very similar to Red Bull's treatment of its two Formula One racing teams, Red Bull Racing and Scuderia Toro Rosso. However, Red Bull would not completely follow this precedent when it acquired the MetroStars club in Major League Soccer in the United States; while it rebranded the team as the New York Red Bulls, it chose to recognise the MetroStars' history.

The traditional supporters tried to resist the radical changes and formed their own movement in order to regain some of the tradition. Several fan-clubs throughout Europe voiced their support in what they saw as a fight against the growing commercialisation of football. However, after five months of protests and talks between the club owners and traditional fans, no compromise was reached. On 15 September 2005, the 'violet' supporters stated that the talks had irreversibly broken down and efforts to reach an agreement would be terminated.

This gave rise to two separate fan groups: the 'Red-Whites', who support 'Red Bull Salzburg' and the 'Violet-Whites', who want to preserve the 72-year-old tradition and refuse to support the rebranded club. The Violet-Whites ultimately formed a new club, SV Austria Salzburg.

Now that is taking the pittle beyond the proverbial. At least we have a history and a half, loyal fans and enough backing locally with support to prevent that happeneding to City.
im jealous of this:


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