Does this forum reflect our matchgoing support?

glen quagmire said:
I believe that it does, to an extent.
That's a tough one.

When it came to the fucking stupid "Mancini out" shit (I was ashamed to be a member of this site at the time of that shit even though I couldn't have disagreed more with the bollocks!), it couldn't have been a different feel at the games. At West Brom away last season we must have sang Mancini's name 25 times.

But with other subjects, what appears to be the gist of a thread here, does have the same feel at games.
Ric said:
Obviously on particular issues it can be miles out, but generally you get a feel for the zeitgeist of the club. In fact, using that phrase probably alienates this site from about 87.6% of match going blues...

Knowing you, being able to spell zeitgeist at 4 am is pretty impressive....I'm presuming the kids woke you up rather than it being the time at which you got home from a night out... ;)
Was talking to quite a few of my blue mates back home in Manchester over Christmas period and it was really interesting because they have different opinions on City than many on BM.
I've tried to start conversations with the people who I sit near to about various issues/topics
that have been raised on here, the last one about the heavy handedness of the showsec employees ....blank looks, nobody had heard of BM I might as well have been speaking in Klingon to them, they are all season card holders.
Given the fact that plenty on here go to game it must do.

That said, I've never really seen any suggested songs take off. Look at that Agüero one that everyone and his dog on here liked. Never saw the light of day.

Then again there could be another stat for the mods. Bluemoon is full of shy people too timid to start a chant!
I reckon the more obsessive fans come on here. Some fans at the Etihad are quite passive & seem to only go to the game out of duty & habit. I cant see those people coming on here. But for the rest of us reading the odd article in the paper or 2 mins on sky sports news isnt enough to satisfy my obsession with City...

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