Does this thought ever freak you out ?

I remember watching QI a while ago, and they referenced a book, possibly Wuthering Heights but I'm not sure, that states 'every year you pass the anniversary of your death without knowing it'....a cheery thought.

I went to a medical seminar last year where they said that the expected life span of a human goes up 4 hours every day (so a baby born yesterday is expected to live 4 hours less than one born today), that equates to about 60 extra days a year.

On the upside, you can see how long you've got left here
ElanJo said:
It's relaxing in a way. One day I will lie down and drift off into the void. I dunno, there's something comforting about that.

Dont want to depress you, but the chance's are its a extremely painful and horrifying ordeal and you will probably be wanting death

happy days!
To quote one of my favourite bands, The Editors....

'You came on your own, that's how you'll leave'

It's as simple as that.

You can over-think it as much as you want but unless you take your own life, then there's fuck all any of us can do about it.
Guest User said:
Get this feeling all the time. I find it almost unbearable to really think about the fact I've got 40-50 years left (if I'm lucky) then nothing. That's it. Makes me feel sick, even writing this makes me panic a bit. If you're a complete Atheist and don't believe in life after death then I don't understand how it can't scare you. I guess you have to try and block it out and make the most of the time you have but it's not really that simple, sometimes the thoughts just come into my head. Dawkins says atheism sets you free to appreciate life but personally I wish I could have the comfort of truly believing in an afterlife.
It'll be just the same as before you were alive, i wouldn't worry about it.

What scares me is the process of dying, not actually the thought of being dead.
I was born to parents in their mid-40s. Mum once told me that she hoped she could just live long enough for me to make it to 18. As a kid, I always feared that my parents would be 'taken from me'. I'm now 40 and my parents are now in their mid-80s. It took us until these last couple of years to embrace the subject of death, and to talk about what we'll miss of each other.

Better to celebrate life than to fear death.
Guest User said:
Get this feeling all the time. I find it almost unbearable to really think about the fact I've got 40-50 years left (if I'm lucky) then nothing. That's it. Makes me feel sick, even writing this makes me panic a bit. If you're a complete Atheist and don't believe in life after death then I don't understand how it can't scare you. I guess you have to try and block it out and make the most of the time you have but it's not really that simple, sometimes the thoughts just come into my head. Dawkins says atheism sets you free to appreciate life but personally I wish I could have the comfort of truly believing in an afterlife.

I'm the exact opposite to you. Knowing there isn't a 'God' or an afterlife makes me want to live my life to the fullest while I'm still here.

As for dying, meh, it's going to happen some time (maybe tomorrow maybe in 40 years), so there's absolutely no point in worrying about it.
As a young man one of my first thoughts of mortality was after seeing this


actually made me fill up a little bit.
Just checked out that deathclock site,
said 27-02-2039 is "Grim Reaper's" visiting day.
Ye havin a laugh,lucky if ive got 10 years left tbh.
I'm 54 next monday,smoked since i was 16 (and drank)

We are all gonna go eventually,no point in worrying about really.
Just get on with life,enjoy it while ye can.


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