Rodomontade? I had to look that one up.Because, like Steve Bannon and his ilk, he's an election winning machine. He knows what gets votes. He masterminded the Leave win. He taps into the Zeitgeist and calculates what will play well with Joe Public. Hence, he's held in such high regard by Gove, Johnson and the Tory hawks. A flying fuck they could not give that he "broke the rules". Can he get them re-elected? That's all they'll be thinking about. We are truly moving ever closer to a Trumpian dystopia in this country. This pandemic has ripped Johnson clean bare of all the chutzpah, the rodomontade, the bravado - you can get away with that shit when it's an election. Not when it's a virus - viruses don't care about politics.
We obviously need an Anglo Saxon word for this sort of hubris.
Cummishness? Cummishite?