Donald Trump

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He told the widow of a recently killed soldier that “He knew what he was signing up for”.

Piece. Of. Shit.

Truly amazing, the guy just keeps on surprising me. I never knew someone could stoop so low.
Nobody does it better.
No such thing as bad publicity the saying goes and for this narcissistic twat it couldn’t be more true.

He actively seeks all this out!
He told the widow of a recently killed soldier that “He knew what he was signing up for”.

Piece. Of. Shit.

Of course that "proof" will never see the light of day for one of two reasons:
- It doesn't exist (most likely)
- If there is a recording it will prove he's a liar

Of course that "proof" will never see the light of day for one of two reasons:
- It doesn't exist (most likely)
- If there is a recording it will prove he's a liar

I'm glad he denied it. It will force the issue. The widow will be questioned and apart from his base of rabid morons, everyone will know who is telling the truth.

I mean, a pathological liar actually lying?

What next?

Trump paying his taxes?
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