Donald Trump

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To be fair. Out of all the crap Trump does and continues to do - I think this one is a bit overblown.
If this:

Wilson went on to say Trump “was almost like joking. He said, ‘Well, I guess you knew’ — something to the effect that ‘he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.’ You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die. That’s the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid.”

“She was in tears. She was in tears. And she said, ‘He didn’t even remember his name.’”

Doesn’t annoy and sadden you and show him up for the narcissistic sociopath that he is then nothing will. That is the Commander in Chief on the phone to the widow of servicemen who had died in the line of duty.
Folks, he sees the world in terms of winners and losers. A dead soldier is a loser. A captured, tortured soldier is a loser. A subcontractor who he stiffed when building his hotels is a loser. Puerto Rican's are losers (PR isn't a state and the people there are brown). A fired FBI director is a loser Hillary Clinton is a loser. It's ALL THE SAME FUCKING THING to him.

As a corollary -- Supporters of his are winners, so whether he keeps his promises to them or not is completely irrelevant to him -- they are already winners.
A second US judge has blocked Donald Trump's latest travel ban, delivering a setback to the President's third attempt at what has been widely described as a Muslim Ban.

Maryland US District Judge Theodore Chuang joined Judge Derrick Watson of Hawaii in ruling that the ban, which stopped citizens of Chad, Somalia, Yemen, Iran, Libya, North Korea and Syria entering the United States, violated immigration law.

The White House vowed to appeal the decision, setting the stage for a confrontation between the courts and the President's executive authority.

The ban, due to have come into force this week, was blocked on Tuesday when Judge Watson ruled that it likely violated non-discrimination law because it barred immigrants on the basis of nationality.
I’d have some sympathy with the travel ban if it included Saudi, UAE or Egyptian nationals since they were the countries providing the 9/11 terrorists.

Shit list.
I honestly believe that Trump can't help thinking of himself when confronted with absolutely anything. If the accounts are true, in that he said what he did to the widow of a recently deceased soldier, then it smacks of narcissim.Trump was a draft dodger and that response exhibits how he explains/excuses his own actions. He is a pathetic, needy, think skinned little showman. Shudders.
If this:

Wilson went on to say Trump “was almost like joking. He said, ‘Well, I guess you knew’ — something to the effect that ‘he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.’ You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die. That’s the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid.”

“She was in tears. She was in tears. And she said, ‘He didn’t even remember his name.’”

Doesn’t annoy and sadden you and show him up for the narcissistic sociopath that he is then nothing will. That is the Commander in Chief on the phone to the widow of servicemen who had died in the line of duty.
*The commander in chief who got multiple deferments to stay out of Vietnam then played sports in college. *The commander in commander in chief who said he was in more danger than soldiers in Vietnam by having sex with so many women and risking getting VD.
*The commander in chief who got multiple deferments to stay out of Vietnam then played sports in college. *The commander in commander in chief who said he was in more danger than soldiers in Vietnam by having sex with so many women and risking getting VD.
God Bless ‘Merca
Jeff Sessions backpedalled pretty quickly under questioning today. As in, went back on almost everything he said about contact with Russia during the campaign. The whole thing is crumbling
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