Just because Thatcher would seem a little ‘pink’ in US politics makes no odds.
You’re on a U.K. based football forum and as such, labelling someone as Obama as a lefty is going to lead to people commenting.
So tell me, which of his policies were so ‘left’ that you were against them? Are you against being able to marry whoever you want? Against legal medical marijuana use? Not a fan of wanting every child to have access to medical care rather than the lottery of being born into wealth?
Come on. Which ‘leftie’ Policies really ground your gears?
Little bit barbed that reply but you always do like being a bit argumentative don’t you, get up on the wrong side of the alsarir this morning?
I’m on a UK based football forum commenting on US politics so you bringing up UK politics is a silly
Think I’ve mentioned to you a while back(not bothered if you remember or not) that I’m socially left of centre so none of his ‘leftie’policies grind my gears, maybe you was trying to drag me into a rwnj homo hating anti medical weed poor child killing argument or was you was just being you I don’t know and don’t really care,
Imo Obama was a very good orator but a bit of a fraud as a president and a hypocrite as an ex president, once again in US terms he is to the left of politics even if that’s just to the left of pol pot, have yourself a peachy day shawn (it is shawn isn’t it?)