Well-Known Member
Ohio just won a Supreme Court cast to purge voter rolls of people they don’t want voting. More states will do the same now so there will be hundreds of thousands of Democrats/minorities who won’t be able to vote in Ohio, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and New Mexico. Pennsylvania’s Governor is also up for reelection this year so we’re vulnerable too. Factor in that the Russians are still meddling and that Dumb Donald is still letting them do it and it’s an uphill battle.Yep. Really pretty simple, isn’t it? I highly doubt blue voters will make that mistake in the midterms or in 2020. Nor will whoever the nominee is take Trump lightly or repeat the same mistakes Clinton made (like not even bothering to visit key battleground states). The blue nominee must outwork Trump, which won’t be easy (assuming he runs) despite his utter sloth because running as already-President is an enormous platform advantage. But I bet the number of straight blue-slate voters will be at an all time high in 18, then that record nearly matched in 20 were such things tracked. Those not in this country greatly underestimate the repugnance with which a huge swath of America views this man.
We have seriously looked into moving to Canada.