I think the prospects of me meeting the Queen are slim, but no I wouldn’t bow. I’d high five her instead.
You’d fall under her spell just like virtually every staunch Republican such as Corbyn, Prescott, Livingstone and McGuinness (different sort of Republican!) when they met her.
To me, the bow is neither here nor there and I can see why a Head of State is precluded from so doing by way of protocol and good manners. They shouldn’t be expected to undertake an act which carries a degree of subservient symbolism. What sums up his lack of self-awareness and gross absence of bad manners, however, is walking in front of a 93 year old woman in the way he did. If he had any sense of consideration for others, or even if it entered his mind to think about other people in his company, he would have wondered where she was as he walked along the phalanx of troops. But he didn’t, of course, because it simply doesn’t enter his mind to think of others, Royalty or not.
He is a rude, disrespectful **** who has shown nothing but discourtesy since he arrived as a guest to these shores. I’m certainly no fan of May, who is a truly appalling Prime Minister, but she holds an Office of State which Trump has repeatedly demeaned in the last few days, as he continues to do to his own. All whilst he was her invited guest.
The man is a hateful cancer on the world.