Donald Trump

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If by suffer you mean that they were looked down on for using racial slurs or for being ignorant I guess you have a point.

Mist people don’t consider having better access to healthcare or not being grabbed by the pussy or not losing your job because you’re gay as suffering though.

I don't know what the people of the mist think, I've never met one.

Or throwing a celebration party after getting a child rapist cleared.

You don't know anything about me.

And yeah, I am suffering.

I'm suffering from "casual observers" who demonstrate that they know dick about America posting as if they do with their grand pronouncements, pleasure at others' suffering, presumptions about what they think they know, and faux nonchalance about the state of the world.
I sometimes wonder if Trump is insane.

No matter. Europe has to tend to its own affairs including defence. A political system that produces Bush and now this moron is no longer a reliable security partner. It’s being fun but fuck off and thanks for all the fish.

I think he's the product of a life of little to no consequences. Used to always getting his own way and kicking out like a child when he doesn't. Works to a point running a business if you have enough money to smother everyone in lawsuits. Generally comes off as a dick move when you're the leader of the free world.
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