You come across as someone that has a fantasy image of yourself, yet lacks the awareness to realise that holding onto this will cause you to experience yourself as weaker than
you truly are. From this weakness you will then try to project an image of strength so as to compensate. But this will feel kinda hollow. And, this might sound weird for you, but if you chose to drop the bullshit and open to
knowing genuine empowerment within yourself then I, for one, would find this wonderful. If you want to carry on trying to sell
an image of strength then that's up to you but I won't buy it. Neither will many others by the looks of things.
Beyond this, there seems a general acknowledgment on this thread that there are many folks that feel disenfranchised within the political system. Why is it such a bad thing
to suggest a way in which folks come to feel empowered
before they cast their vote, rather than rely on the promises of a so-called strong man?'
As for Trump, if I felt like he became someone that brought genuine empowerment then I'd be like 'wow, wonderful' - so much good could come from this. Might even open a space
for people to enter the political field that otherwise wouldn't be able to due to less than 'saintly' backgrounds. I have no problem with that - sometimes those that fuck up are those that have a lot to offer. Having said that, I don't feel that he is any different from the guy that spoke of grabbing women's pussies. And I don't see that as a hallmark of a genuinely empowered - and empowering - man. More like a weak man that tries to prove his 'strength' by forcing himself upon women. Call this machismo if you want. On the flip side of this coin can be found men that are more neutered than neutral. Emasculated, if you want. Not so much fun, right? Beyond that is the suggestion of empowered men - a way that is enjoyable, truly responsible yet requires humility...not so much your strengths from the what and how you have written?
Anyhow go find a gif, believe that it is others that lack true rationality in this conversation...and I'll just wait patiently until you fall over your own that is what you will bring about for yourself - it is only a matter of when.