Free college for all, cancel Student debt.
Result, massive investment needed, needs to be found.
Green new deal, $200 billion dollars pledged.
Result, thousands of workers unemployed, still need to find the money for it.
$15 ph minimum wage.
Result, businesses reduce workforce, unemployment, this is double the current rate.
Housing for all, including rent controls.
When this system was introduced in Britain, there was, obviously, a massive reduction in housing availabilty.
Result, homelessness.
The above are a few you keep asking about, similar, tired, free for all policies. have been rejected here.
I don't think America is too different, if the Dems want power, they don't need Sanders.
Ah, finally!! Bothered to do a little something, eh?
"Free college for all, cancel Student debt. Result, massive investment needed, needs to be found."
As has been pointed out, college has been tuition free before. But, things have changed obviously. Warren offers a solution that would pay for colleges AND pre-K schooling at an extra tax of 2 cents on the dollar for billionaires above $100 mil. It's been cost effected to be accurate. Sanders could obviously incorporate this strategy as he had a similar viewpoint.
"Green new deal, $200 billion dollars pledged.
Result, thousands of workers unemployed, still need to find the money for it."
- I'm not sure it's worth getting this discussion with you until understand what the GND offers.
"$15 ph minimum wage.
Result, businesses reduce workforce, unemployment, this is double the current rate."
-Already seven states have implemented this rate as well as Amazon. Your argument is scare tactic and soundbite driven.
"Housing for all, including rent controls.
When this system was introduced in Britain, there was, obviously, a massive reduction in housing availabilty.
Result, homelessness."
-Most homelessness is down to debt and low income. If you can't afford to pay the rent, you're gonna get turfed; simple maths anywhere. When big business comes to any town it changes the desirability for the location which equates to gentrification which, in turn, pushes up the affordability for the former renters resulting in them moving on or being homeless. As a result your comment actually argues for rent control. The Progressive idea is create affordable housing for a growing population. Crazy, innit??
"The above are a few you keep asking about, similar, tired, free for all policies. have been rejected here.
I don't think America is too different, if the Dems want power, they don't need Sanders."
NOTHING is "free for all". This is yet another soundbite you've latched on to.
Every taxing paying working citizen contributes towards their society.
Every. One.
It's coming to light for even the dimmest person that they don't complain about services like the armed forces, police, firefighters and such as they just pay for these things out of their taxes without question. Reducing the unnecessary bloated military complex budget and using intellectual diplomacy tends to ease the money needed for war. Closing tax loopholes and asking trillion dollar companies to pay more in tax goes a long way.
The richest economy in the world can afford to pay its citizens what they're worth as Human Beings.
The US could be a virtual paradise to live in and that promise is why so many people flock there.
So, in conclusion, what's needed is someone who puts its citizens first. The actual citizens, not the idea of them. #45 got elected on the promise. The numbers look down, but they are no better off. That questions needs to be asked how that is.
Sanders is everything #45 claimed to be, but is actually a people person.
He's not the 'moderate' that failed the people, but loved the companies, in years before.
That's as civil as I'm going to get.