Donald Trump

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I think a lot of his supporters are just anti-establishment/whatever is popular.

Just like in the 70's, 80's and early 90's it was cool to be anti-conservatism (hence a lot of comics, cult shows rebelled against the establishment and pushed against social conservatives) now it's cool to rebel against what they see as liberal norms. Hence a lot of the trolling.

In actual news in one of the first Trump administrations orders, the Dept of Housing & Urban Development suspended the reduction of FHA annual mortgage insurance premium rates - in other words they made it harder for poor people to get mortgages.

A little parting shot from the former President. To be fair, the outgoing administration just announced the reduction (supposed to take place on the 25th) a week ago so that Trump/Carson would be forced into deciding to make it harder for poor people to get mortgages. Trump admin is couching it as needing to protect FHA's reserve, or needing to study whether it's sufficient at least.
Those protesting Trump have the democratic right to do so but they make even left wing liberals cringe.

Let's not forget though that when Obama was elected there were right wingers who were protesting too...are they snowflakes also?




Does she erase the cross-out on the hammer and sickle now that Put . . . errrr, Trump is President?
Agreed, **** is a perfectly multifunctional word.
No trump voter is as much of that multifunctional word as the particularly precious immigrant group Americans are expected to welcome with open arms.

I haven't heard of a trump voter argue for throwing gays off buildings, treat women as third class citizens, suicide bomb other people or execute people for "insulting" the Bible or converting from Christianity.

For all the faux outrage about trump's comments about women, it wasn't trump supporters who gang raped thousands if minor girls from other communities

And as far as racism or aby other ism goes, ask south Asians working in Arab countries or Hindus / Christian / Sikh minorities how they are treated.
True, but this relies on the person causing offense to feel guilt,remorse and generally give a fuck. I'm not sure Trump does, so the trial by social media (free speech so long as you say the same thing as everyone else) thing probably won't work. Four years is a long time for his opponents to just go on about what a twat he is without having any ideas of their own.
Getting pulled into Godwin's law here.
No trump voter is as much of that multifunctional word as the particularly precious immigrant group Americans are expected to welcome with open arms.

I haven't heard of a trump voter argue for throwing gays off buildings, treat women as third class citizens, suicide bomb other people or execute people for "insulting" the Bible or converting from Christianity.

For all the faux outrage about trump's comments about women, it wasn't trump supporters who gang raped thousands if minor girls from other communities

And as far as racism or aby other ism goes, ask south Asians working in Arab countries or Hindus / Christian / Sikh minorities how they are treated.
So all of this was Clinton supporters?
No trump voter is as much of that multifunctional word as the particularly precious immigrant group Americans are expected to welcome with open arms.

I haven't heard of a trump voter argue for throwing gays off buildings, treat women as third class citizens, suicide bomb other people or execute people for "insulting" the Bible or converting from Christianity.

For all the faux outrage about trump's comments about women, it wasn't trump supporters who gang raped thousands if minor girls from other communities

And as far as racism or aby other ism goes, ask south Asians working in Arab countries or Hindus / Christian / Sikh minorities how they are treated.

Actually some of Trump's supporters on the Alt Right make ISIS look like the Tufty Club when it comes to Jews gays and women, and blacks and Muslims too actually. These people are out there, they may be few in number but they exist. Dylaan Roof for one.
I'm going to hold you to this the next time people start posting that Shane ****'s tweets in the transfer forum.

If fuck all else I'm consistent mate. Rarely venture into the transfer threads but I will say this. If I want twitter shite I will go on twitter. I don't expect to see it on here.
Don't like trump, but do like the offence he causes and generally the people he offends need fucking offending.
Hopefully even if he achieves nothing else he might stop the modern trend for faux outrage and taking offence being an actual political position.

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