Donald Trump

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The entire western world needs a real wage rise in relation to cost of living, not more jobs.

Donald J is promising millions of jobs though. I agree ref the wage rise thing - we all have to get used to paying a lot more for goods and services when the rises kick in and the cost of production and supply rises too. We'll need another rise to cover that............. its the 1970's again
There's been plenty of good journalism all the way through. The Trumpers have ignored it and preferred to believe 140 character tweets from the orange **** denouncing it as fake news.

Hmmm, don't think so.

GOOD journalism would have called him on his lies, his evasions of ACTUAL POLICIES, his inability to exhibit normal behavior, and disqualified him for his bragadoccio over sexual assault, all while highlighting the FACT that the thing HRC spoke about MOST in her speeches was jobs, jobs, jobs!

Every day, the "story" in the US media was "Where's Donald today? What did he say? Did he tweet anything juicy? What did he say about Hillary?" Then, as they pivot to the news of the day about Hillary, it was "Trump supporters at the Trump rally in Bumblefuck chanted 'Lock her up!' very loudly today. Let's roll the tape!" "When asked for comment on the smear du jour, Clinton declined to we don't really have anything to talk about from her two events today." ...because it was boring stuff like jobs, education, trade, foreign policy and the usual shit we expect Presdents to ACTUALLY KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT!

Could ANYONE imagine the absolute shitstorm that would have ensued on the Right if Hillary had cozied up to Putin pre-election? It would have been Wall to wall "Commie Pinko Clinton!" coverage and the conspiracy theorists would have been going over the fact that Bill traveled to Moscow during his college years AGAIN! UFB!

Coverage was pathetic, because they were all scared shitless of offending Trump and losing access to one half of the Circus! Shame, shame, shame!
You would have LOVED the compilation video of KellyAnn Conway, who was a Ted Cruz mouthpiece before she fixed Trumps campaign! Oooooh, the things she said about Trump!! All forgotten in this election, because the voters, and the media, have a 140 character memory, and only care about what is the days salacious news byte!

Here's hoping some journalism returns and a critical eye is cast over the pre-election rhetoric and the post-election reality, so that 15 million uneducated rural white folk don't need a 2x4 across the back of the head to realize Trump is absolutely NOT the guy who is going to help them!

Those pesky white folk excercising their democratic right, who do they think they are!?
It's 4:30am in Chicago, I definitely think you need to go to bed.
Yes, it's late, but I just home from flying, so my bodyclock is not ready for bed and I'm catching up on the days news, City pregame, etc. IF that's OK with you? Additionally, my wife is going to one of the myriad Women's Marches in a few hours, so I may just stay up because I'm driving her to the train station.

So, now you know my plans for the next few hours, want to try to dig your way out of the ACA hole you created?

Nah, easier to tell me to go to bed, eh, mate! (Oops, paragraph 3..,you probably stop reading already!) TTFN.
Ah okay so the media coverage during the election was pro Trump now? That's certainly an interesting opinion.
Yes, it's late, but I just home from flying, so my bodyclock is not ready for bed and I'm catching up on the days news, City pregame, etc. IF that's OK with you? Additionally, my wife is going to one of the myriad Women's Marches in a few hours, so I may just stay up because I'm driving her to the train station.

So, now you know my plans for the next few hours, want to try to dig your way out of the ACA hole you created?

Nah, easier to tell me to go to bed, eh, mate! (Oops, paragraph 3..,you probably stop reading already!) TTFN.
There is no hole.

Be careful driving to the train station mate if you aren't going to sleep. I've had 2 car accidents in my life and they were both when I was sleep deprived.
Those pesky white folk excercising their democratic right, who do they think they are!?
I know who they THINK they are. They just aren't that.

By the way, in America, the world "democratic" is no longer allowed when discussing votes and voting. I think the word you were looking for is "Constitutional" now that we have amended it to allow women and non-whites to vote.

We are NOT a democracy, we are a REPUBLIC. If we WERE a DEMOCRACY, we would have followed the first BLACK President with the first FEMALE President, not the first Orange one.
Ah okay so the media coverage during the election was pro Trump now? That's certainly an interesting opinion.
Didn't say that. I said it lacked the normal substance and rigor one would normally find when researching a candidate for the highest office in the land, especially one that was so secretive about what he did when, with whom and to what end.

First candidate in generations to not release his taxes, even though he felt his main experience for the job was being a successful businessman. However, we soon learned that he "made" $916M by writing off OTHER PEOPLES MONEY on his own personal tax return, because he had a special exemption as a real estate developer...even though it was from BANKRUPTCIES! There is a story there, but only one newspaper, and only one reporter at that newspaper even attempted to delve into the shady inner workings of the Trump Organization and that sham "charity" the Trump Foundation.

These are just a few of the "different" things he brought to the table which were passed off in favor of keeping access. Hillary, of course, has been dragged over the coals for 30 years, so there are no real secrets there, although the email was an eye opener and the gift (from Putin) that kept on giving!
There is no hole.

Be careful driving to the train station mate if you aren't going to sleep. I've had 2 car accidents in my life and they were both when I was sleep deprived.
I really do appreciate the thoughtful comment. I didn't get up until late afternoon, and the train is at 8, and normally she would walk, but she's going to a March, so I said I would drive her. 2 mins tops. Cheers.
Hmmm, don't think so.

GOOD journalism would have called him on his lies, his evasions of ACTUAL POLICIES, his inability to exhibit normal behavior, and disqualified him for his bragadoccio over sexual assault, all while highlighting the FACT that the thing HRC spoke about MOST in her speeches was jobs, jobs, jobs!

Every day, the "story" in the US media was "Where's Donald today? What did he say? Did he tweet anything juicy? What did he say about Hillary?" Then, as they pivot to the news of the day about Hillary, it was "Trump supporters at the Trump rally in Bumblefuck chanted 'Lock her up!' very loudly today. Let's roll the tape!" "When asked for comment on the smear du jour, Clinton declined to we don't really have anything to talk about from her two events today." ...because it was boring stuff like jobs, education, trade, foreign policy and the usual shit we expect Presdents to ACTUALLY KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT!

Could ANYONE imagine the absolute shitstorm that would have ensued on the Right if Hillary had cozied up to Putin pre-election? It would have been Wall to wall "Commie Pinko Clinton!" coverage and the conspiracy theorists would have been going over the fact that Bill traveled to Moscow during his college years AGAIN! UFB!

Coverage was pathetic, because they were all scared shitless of offending Trump and losing access to one half of the Circus! Shame, shame, shame!
I don't think there was a shortage of decent journalism but it appeared to be buried in outlets that don't tend to have mass appeal. I agree the main media organisations bottled it by trying to look even handed when it was clear to anyone with a brain that Trump was a fraud. Even then anything perceived to be anti Trump was denounced as fake by the orange one and his supporters. I don't actually think that if the media coverage had targeted Trump more it would have made much difference as It would have fitted in with his "the establishment are against us" and "it's all a fix" message. Hollywood tried and failed. I doubt the msm would have been any more successful.
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