Donald Trump

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Yeah the only thing that offended me and my 10 years old mates was homework and being grounded. If you're allowing your 10 year old to get upset by politicians I'd say reign it in a bit.

Obviously homework offended you -- you can't spell, and no person who'd spent any time reading about Trump -- including his own books -- could possibly have supported him.
Not a fan, but going to do my best to take any positive out of a Trump presidency...

This'll do for now.
Yep and you just know the planks that voted for him last year will vote for him again because their iq is that limited they will swallow his semen let alone his excuses if he asked them to. The only saving grace is that if he and/or the world survives the next 8 years, we will be rid of him forever.

It will be interesting to see if this result jolts people out of their complacency in 2020, whether it's Democratic voters, or the Democratic Party, especially in the swing states. Or, he could do an incredible job and win by even more. But I still think he quits even if the latter happens, and turns the reins (that's how you spell the word, BluePhil) to Pence.
Obviously homework offended you -- you can't spell, and no person who'd spent any time reading about Trump -- including his own books -- could possibly have supported him.
Forget him mate @BluePhil8 clearly is not as well read or clever as you. I wish folk like you had ten votes instead of just one each and then the world would be fine.
Forget him mate @BluePhil8 clearly is not as well read or clever as you. I wish folk like you had ten votes instead of just one each and then the world would be fine.

If folks like me had ten votes, Trump still would have won. We well-read, clever people are a rare commodity.

I certainly don't agree with him on everything, but I'd have voted for Kasich; supported him during the primary.
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