Donald Trump

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I expect if you gave trump a copy of dead snow to watch and told him it was live footage he would tweet about the problems the norwegians are having with nazi zombies.

The man may be great at whipping up the mob at a rally, but he's a fucking clown.
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Name me a country without one problem.

However Sweden didn't have a terrorist attack and Trump is a fucking lying lunatic.

"a country without one problem"? What do you mean? Not everywhere has the same scale of problem as Sweden.

I was just providing some depth to the discussion...

His words were "you look at what's happening in Germany. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden? They took in large numbers and they're having problems like they never thought possible..."

He doesn't refer to an actual attack. Does he? Probably because there wasn't one. He refers to the problem highlighted in the BBC video that I posted.

They key words are "last night". Knowing him it probably means he was watching something on Fox or infowars (or maybe even the BBC?) "last night" about Sweden. I don't know, but the fact that the whole media are reporting that he's just invented an actual attack is just jumping on the other bandwagon and does nothing to help. In fact I'd say just the opposite.

But I'm wary of jumping on either of them wagons and I think the best way to fight what is, to me and others, a rise of a form of fascism across the World, is to try to understand what they're thinking/seeing, and in this case I can see why he/they don't like the "media" because they are twisting what he said, just a tad and it plays right in to his tiny hands.

At least @Bigga got the point of my post.
So you think the **** should be defended for the hyperbole he was spewing. And if he wasn't trying to reference an attack then why place Sweden in the middle of a list of places that had been attacked.

I wonder who paid for that? Trump has already declared that he will run in 2020 so that he can start receiving dontaions for his campaing (draining the swamp of corporate money). There are 2020 placards being held up behind him, so I wonder if it shouldn't come out of his campaing funds.
Be interesting to see if he carries on with these if there are any calls to impeach him for breaking election law or spending taxes on them

Do our residant Trumpkins have any inside info where the next one will be?
...Nuremberg, Pennsylvania
There is no such thing as " radical islam "

The nutjobs who try to takeover schools with religious digma, cover up grooming gangs, believe in death for apostasy or violence against anyone criticising their nasty fairy tale, gleefully listen to virulent antisemitism in their mosques or indoctrinate children into a book that says "slay all unbelievers" and hold nasty views against gays, women or kaffirs?

Normal, everyday muslims. As any poll on what they think would tell you.

You find that fine, that's upto you.
Just dont hind behind this lie of a supposedly rare bunch of "radical" muslims giving the rest of the innocents a bad name.

Seriously, what the actual fook??!!

Let me see if you have got your brain in gear by asking a simple question...

What is "radical Islam"?

If you can answer in two words, I'll be impressed! So, let’s play it safe and give you the space of a sentence and you can make it as long as you like if it makes you feel better!!
He'll be a good politician given time. He lies without thinking, so fair play there. He's only missing the decades of lying to the public beforehand, that's his only error. Oh, and having the media not getting bored of him. It's ok to lie as a businessman, or a celebrity, as the journos just get bored, but he's now the leader of the free world........ poor fucker doesn't know what he's let himself in for.

Mind you, I still like him.
Yeah, he's more used to lying to a roomful of people. He transitioned well to delivering to a stadium-full, but I think his confidence was falsely bouyed by them not being a terribly critical bunch (being so bloody angry they'll cheer anyone who isn't [S}black[/S] what they've had for the past 8 years).

Honestly, I'm coming round to the Emotionally Unstable tag. Any adult looks at that statement and sees an clear Implication that something relevant happened at a specific time and specific place. But not Don. He thinks he's in the clear because 'something happened' is factually correct.

Remind you of anyone? Like, yourself, or a playground smart-arse, in primary school? I'm thinking age 5-7, because that's when people generally experiment with language in this way, mostly growing out of it within a year. The ones who don't realise how it seems to everyone else.....
There will be so much shock on here in 2020 I just hope I've not died of liver failure so I can laugh at you all again.
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