Donald Trump

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This page is number 666. This is the number of the beast.

Could this be the day Trumpet pushes the button?

Only saying. :)

Don't say I didn't warn you.
I think it is more frustration that he cant run it all as a one (tiny handed and mentally ill) man band
He's a right laugh. Today he is looking to bring out Muslim Ban 2 The Rapture This time it's as watertight as a colander.

When this one is challenged, as it will be, we are back to square one and square 20 in terms of ISIS recruitment strategy.

Also the first steps to mass deportations begins too. Who would be surprised if the loathsome **** uses cattle wagons to transport them south?

Not many.
If the military aide following him round with the nuclear football would follow someone else instead we call all sit back and enjoy watching him making himself and the USA a laughing stock.

Donald Trump is set to revoke guidelines which allow transgender students to use bathrooms of their choice, it has been reported.

A draft document reveals the President will reverse an initiative that threatened to withhold federal funding if schools forced transgender students to use certain bathrooms against their will, according to Reuters.

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Of all the other things he could be dealing with why bother

Donald Trump is set to revoke guidelines which allow transgender students to use bathrooms of their choice, it has been reported.

A draft document reveals the President will reverse an initiative that threatened to withhold federal funding if schools forced transgender students to use certain bathrooms against their will, according to Reuters.

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Of all the other things he could be dealing with why bother

Because it will apease one of his dickhead allies, probably pence, the fuckwit
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