Donald Trump

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Put it this way; instead of having a decent debate on health care and finding a cross party solution that the populace will go with as a majority, they're trying to jam this through in under 3 months.

Obama debated almost 9 months before demanding a vote!!
Democrats are going to oppose them no matter what. The issue I'm seeing right now is that every time you give the conservatives a concession the moderate Republicans get scared off. Trump doesn't want this to drag on until next year.
Democrats are going to oppose them no matter what. The issue I'm seeing right now is that every time you give the conservatives a concession the moderate Republicans get scared off. Trump doesn't want this to drag on until next year.

It's not the Dems that matter here. They are in the minority.

The problem, it seems, is that the problems that afflicted the ACA have not been addressed under this current format.

The Republican Senators, who would have just pushed it through normally, are facing voters who woke the fook up.
Vote was scheduled for yesterday, got postponed after clear opposition from Freedom Caucus. Vote scheduled for today, yet still Ryan doesn't have enough votes. Trump apparently is over with it and whatever happens today happens.
Yes one should be ready to walk away from the table. That is lesson 101 of Art of a deal.
It's not the Dems that matter here. They are in the minority.

The problem, it seems, is that the problems that afflicted the ACA have not been addressed under this current format.

The Republican Senators, who would have just pushed it through normally, are facing voters who woke the fook up.
It's a fight between conservatives and moderates. Conservatives haven't realized yet that Trump is a moderate. The conservatives want social benefits cut from the bill yet moderates worry that, while that may cut costs, it will prove deeply unpopular with the vast public who will be affected by it. The CBO report already states that the current bill will reduce premiums in the future, which the conservatives seem to be ignoring. When you see some of the changes the HHS secretary will propose and the other separate bills Congress will try to pass through like the ability to buy insurance across state lines, premiums will undoubtedly go down. Also within those bills Trump will propose to reduce drug prices. I don't think premiums are the problem here, it's a battle of ideology.

Eventually I see all sides coming to an agreement but they will let this drag.
Not sure how any of the above can be compared to the voting democracy in the recent referendum though, which was the topic of discussion at the time.

I've not heard anybody suggest that the referendum outcome was reached with a minority vote, and as far as I'm aware nobody was forced into voting for a specific outcome against their will. Democracy relies on being administered fairly, but if offered with a gun to ones head it fails to remain democracy.
It was nothing to do with Brexit. That's what you had in mind in the Trump thread. I was talking about the idea that democracy (with a "fair" election) is always the best thing / always produces the best result. It's nonsense - what's a "fair" system? The electoral college? Gerrymandered constituencies (by Republicans of Republicans for Republicans)? First past the post (100% of the power from a mandate of 25% of the electorate)? Elections decided in a few marginal constituencies? Chads in Florida? Russian interference?

I always have in mind the defeated American politician. "That's it then. The polls have closed. The democratic process has been served. The people have spoken. The bastards."

My main beef about the referendum was with the people who never normally vote but turned out "to do one on Cameron" - the essence of democracy is actually voting - especially given what people have gone through to get the vote. For your delectation, The Poor Voter on Election Day by John Greenleaf Whittier:

THE proudest now is but my peer,
The highest not more high;
To-day, of all the weary year,
A king of men am I.
To-day, alike are great and small,
The nameless and the known;
My palace is the people's hall,
The ballot-box my throne!

The rest at
Put it this way; instead of having a decent debate on health care and finding a cross party solution that the populace will go with as a majority, they're trying to jam this through in under 3 months.

Obama debated almost 9 months before demanding a vote!!

Fully agree.

Despite what anyone thinks of the new healthcare bill it really was an own goal by the Trump admin and Republican leadership to try and push through a healthcare bill so soon and so quickly.

It still could be passed but if it isn't I don't think Trump will get the brunt of the backlash but Paul Ryan.
It's a fight between conservatives and moderates. Conservatives haven't realized yet that Trump is a moderate. The conservatives want social benefits cut from the bill yet moderates worry that, while that may cut costs, it will prove deeply unpopular with the vast public who will be affected by it. The CBO report already states that the current bill will reduce premiums in the future, which the conservatives seem to be ignoring. When you see some of the changes the HHS secretary will propose and the other separate bills Congress will try to pass through like the ability to buy insurance across state lines, premiums will undoubtedly go down. Also within those bills Trump will propose to reduce drug prices. I don't think premiums are the problem here, it's a battle of ideology.

Eventually I see all sides coming to an agreement but they will let this drag.

All that depends on Phase One getting through, but it won't.

The GOP leaders are banking on dealing with that later, but the populace want it dealt with now.
Pulled the bill so not a loss.

It is like if rags do not turn up to play at Derby so cannot be called a loser as never lost.
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