Donald Trump

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I'm not offended by proxy by the statue. I can just empathise with their view that they want it torn down even if it's a view I'm not sure I agree with.

Mate, those statues have been petitioned for absolute years to come down (The Daily Show even did a segment or two years back!) and it's been ignored.

If it's taken a bunch of White people to tear it down, that's great. It took an unfortunate death of a White woman to do the right thing.

Wrong is wrong.
Does Germany have statues of Hitler

Exactly. It's not like Germany erects statues of Hitler or Goebbels to (you know) remind people of the Holocaust.
I'm obviously not aware of every statue in the world, but is there really any precedent for statues of people to remind people to not let things happen again? Generally that sounds like a memorial and they are always in honour of the victims, not statues of the culprit. It's a very strange argument/excuse that people seem to be making. Statues are almost always to celebrate a person aren't they? Really can't think of many of these "warning statues" that people seem to be trying to argue this is

Maybe we should get a Roque Santa Cruz statue made and put up outside the Etihad as a reminder not to buy anymore injury prone Paraguayans on huge wages?
I'm obviously not aware of every statue in the world, but is there really any precedent for statues of people to remind people to not let things happen again? Generally that sounds like a memorial and they are always in honour of the victims, not statues of the culprit. It's a very strange argument/excuse that people seem to be making. Statues are almost always to celebrate a person aren't they? Really can't think of many of these "warning statues" that people seem to be trying to argue this is
Yep you're not wrong. We don't have a statue of Hitler or Napoleon in Trafalgar Square, it's Nelson and so on and so forth.
Hating people that 'lol' at life.

What the actual fuck are you on about? Who is lol-ing at life? Who says DD is my mate? I read through the thread, saw his (now deleted) post as it was quoted by another on page 916.

Of course it's his right to despise whoever the fuck he wants. It just so happened to be someone that thought defending neo nazis and the death of a woman through modern day vehicular terrorism was funny. It wasn't and isn't funny. People that think it's funny are scum.

Now why is it that you feel the need to defend those people? Why do you struggle to comprehend a rather linear discussion? Why do none of your replies bare any relation to the post they are replying to?

I'll not get myself banned replying to you, you've posted enough to let everyone know what you stand for.
Hating people that 'lol' at life.

What the actual fuck are you on about? Who is lol-ing at life? Who says DD is my mate? I read through the thread, saw his (now deleted) post as it was quoted by another on page 916.

Of course it's his right to despise whoever the fuck he wants. It just so happened to be someone that thought defending neo nazis and the death of a woman through modern day vehicular terrorism was funny. It wasn't and isn't funny. People that think it's funny are scum.

Now why is it that you feel the need to defend those people? Why do you struggle to comprehend a rather linear discussion? Why do none of your replies bare any relation to the post they are replying to?

I'll not get myself banned replying to you, you've posted enough to let everyone know what you stand for.
Let us get a couple of things clear
Nobody has trivialized the one death that happened
People like you have previously tried to trivialise multiple terrorist attacks, involving hundreds and hundreds of dead, by using ridiculous arguments or excuses.
This wasn't about a small number of neo Nazis but the right of people to protest against a braindead PC decision - and the true fascists here were the lefties who resorted to violence and intimidation (not for thr first time) to violate those rights.
I'm more than happy for them to be in a museum and the education that would go with it.

I wish they'd follow the German lead and not be afraid to show their dark past and why we shouldn't go back there.
The Germans do not have statues of Hitler. In fact if you go to Berlin they have completely razed where Hitler died and built an apartment complex and a car park on it so there is no place for Nazi sympathizers to turn up and start worshiping. Nearby there is a huge memorial for Holocaust victims for people to remember the dark past. You remember the dark past by clearly documenting in history books and teachings in schools not creating statues of evil.
I have no interest in your political views. DD never said he despised you. I didn't say I despised you. You decided to pull others up on their views towards another poster as you found it "abhorrent" to dislike someone for a view online.

I've since explained at length why being online espousing a view is no defence. If one posts like a ****, expect to be called out for it, whether or not the poster doing so knows you personally or not.

I'm not even sure why you're posting to defence the original poster seeing at their post was removed and they are more than likely taking some time out of the thread/forum.

Ps, I keep mention "posting on the internet as opposed to face to face" as you have referenced it at least twice when stating the absurdity of disliking some for their stated ONLINE opinions.

You carrying on hating people for an opinion and enjoy your life and hate, that's your concern. I never said you despised me (Read back) you said that about people you don't agree with and in fact you don't know. I am posting about the incident now because you brought it up, but the red mist wont allow you to see that.
You talk about linear discussion. There is no such thing because discussions take detours, they all do. Just because you don't get your questions answered to your satisfaction it doesn't make the discussion invalid, are you the chairman?
Let us get a couple of things clear
Nobody has trivialized the one death that happened
People like you have previously tried to trivialise multiple terrorist attacks, involving hundreds and hundreds of dead, by using ridiculous arguments or excuses.
This wasn't about a small number of neo Nazis but the right of people to protest against a braindead PC decision - and the true fascists here were the lefties who resorted to violence and intimidation (not for thr first time) to violate those rights.

I take it it's not the first time he's come out of the blocks swinging and missing?
I'm obviously not aware of every statue in the world, but is there really any precedent for statues of people to remind people to not let things happen again? Generally that sounds like a memorial and they are always in honour of the victims, not statues of the culprit. It's a very strange argument/excuse that people seem to be making. Statues are almost always to celebrate a person aren't they? Really can't think of many of these "warning statues" that people seem to be trying to argue this is

Maybe we should get a Roque Santa Cruz statue made and put up outside the Etihad as a reminder not to buy anymore injury prone Paraguayans on huge wages?
They should just give the statue to the neo nazis and let them find a home for it somewhere it's wanted.

Obviously the town of Charlottesville don't want it, the idea that a group who were largely not residents of that town should overrule that is absurd.
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