Donald Trump

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More LOL inbound as Don slates free speech, saying if libel laws weren't so 'weak', then you wouldn't have something like this where someone 'says the first thing that comes into their head'. Best bit is when you see Pence's reaction to this in real time. He goes from 'Yep, I can back you on this' to "Now why the hell would you go and say something like that Don?" in the space of one sentence.

I'm betting Don was coached, told to stick to the script and told; "You've got to stop saying the first thing that comes into your head!" Somehow, in Don's (totally stable and like, genius) mind that became a fragment of the script.
He just cannot stop drawing attention to a story he wants nobody to read - calling him a fucking moron elevates his status in my view.
He can't let even the smallest criticism go unanswered. Just imagine North Korea launches nukes and they ask him what he wants to do and he says "Hold on I have to Tweet a reply to a woman in New Jersey who said I'm not a genius"...
Same trick as ukip. Everyone so busy mocking the personalities and being offended that they forget to ask difficult questions about policy. Everyone knows about trumps tweets and grabbing women's bits, but I can't remember the last time he had to field an awkward question on policy. Genius?

I don't believe this. It's the Mourinho "trick".

Everybody presumes that he's really some psychological supergenius through media manipulation when he acts a dickhead rather than the much more blindingly obvious answer that he's just a dickhead instead.
I don't believe this. It's the Mourinho "trick".

Everybody presumes that he's really some psychological supergenius through media manipulation when he acts a dickhead rather than the much more blindingly obvious answer that he's just a dickhead instead.
Absolutely right. There’s more than a few people who need to familiarise themselves with the Duck Test and apply it to Trump.
The tweets are carefully composed in accordance with syntactic analysis of FB posts and Tweets (and 4chan posts) that go viral amongst core supporters, the disaffected, less educated and easily riled. I'm nicking a phrase from one poster here to describe them - Tub-thumpers.

And the crowing they trigger in the metropolitan/cosmopolitan demographics mean they are retweeted and shared further, whilst serving to redirect the debate from the truth about incredible croneyism and incompetence that he has brought where it matters.

Also deflects from Russia. Some irony here as Russian bots and fake news sites are integral to them going viral. So let's stop calling him a cretin or sociopath because of the content or style of his tweets, because you are being played. He's a sociopath because of his actions, past and present. Not his utterances.

All I can say is that at least he's better advised on FP now.

I don't believe this. It's the Mourinho "trick".

Everybody presumes that he's really some psychological supergenius through media manipulation when he acts a dickhead rather than the much more blindingly obvious answer that he's just a dickhead instead.
Not serious about the "genius" thing, more likely he's got through life well upto now with a brass neck, a bit of 'front', and shouting down anyone that doesn't agree with him. He's attempting to bring these same charming qualities to the Whitehouse.
Not at all. While everyone is busy being outraged at trumps twitter account they won't be paying too much attention to what the cia are up to around the world. Perfect for them.

Yup. In the meantime Trump is running a pretty hardcore neoliberal policy favouring the rich, whereas much of his support is a economicly disgruntled lower class that only will get hurt more by this. Just recently trump opened all coasts again for drilling and screw the enviroment, it was burried beneath various story's on his tweets and the book comming out. Trumps media shit storm seems to favour the powers that be behind the scene's.
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