Donald Trump

Reports Trump is planning on implementing 10-20% tariffs on all imports except for Chinese which will be at 60%.

OK though, because he thinks foreign countries pay.

He’s as stupid as fuck.

I mentioned this some months back, probably somewhere on this thread. Around Easter-time, all the main economic consultancies, in their customer briefings, stopped talking about the risk of inflation to the US and global economies and started talking about the election. None of them were overtly saying that a Trump win would be bad, but you didn’t need to read too far between the lines to know that’s exactly what they were saying. Seems like this dam is starting to break.
Reports Trump is planning on implementing 10-20% tariffs on all imports except for Chinese which will be at 60%.

OK though, because he thinks foreign countries pay.

He's quoting McKinley. Does the daft sod know what happened to him?
Here’s a few other people who died, although these were on his watch, when he assured everyone he was doing a “10 out of 10” job on the issue…

He simply doesn’t know how to stop lying, because he has done it his whole life and never been challenged.

If he is even quesrioned on anything, you’re “nasty” or simply told “I’m a successful businessman worth billions and you are, what, exactly?”

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