Donald Trump

Many knowledgeable pundits think that the Jan 6th case will conclude prior to election day. It largely hinges on what the Supreme Court decides and how quickly they act.
Cannon has just put in a motion to reconsider Trumps appeal for MAL in May so effectively blocking Jan 6th from starting as expected in May.

The only way anything of consequence is getting done before the election is if the prosecutors ignore all accepted precedence and just set dates and crack on.
Don't agree with that. I heard up to 4 years and and decision on probation would be up to the judge. So the jail threat is very real.

The above stormy D case is expected to be 6 weeks. So done by the end of May.

The prep time on the other cases will continue wile this happens and its up to the judges in the other cases to agree the schedule. So his attempts to delay are reaching conclusion. The judge in the DC Jan 6th case said the other day they expected to be tied up through the summer indicating they expect the case to go forward. But it's anyone's guess on what actually happens when.
Meidastouch the leading commentators on legal/ political matters says 2 years max per charge. Search utube.
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Can I just say an America which attracts a shoot out to the Champions open bus parade and which has a prospective President that could be jailed and still be Pres. is lost. Better the world just cuts off all ties send their Ambassadors home and leaves them to commit suicide or at least until they come to their senses and realise that the world does not revolve around them and their psychodrama
Speaking of psycho drama…!

Sat next to Steve on a flight once and had a very interesting conversation. He was always a staunch conservative Republican in the vein of those words in the traditional sense. To hear him, and others like him, talk today, they sound like centrist Democrats, because the bat shit crazy MINORITY has taken over their Grand Old Party!

While I don’t agree with every word he ever says, he is hard to ignore, because he has seen all this develop from the inside and has cut many old ties by speaking out against crazy. That’s a real American patriot, even if you don’t agree with every word.
Meidastouch the leading commentators on legal/ political matters says 2 years max per charge. Search utube.
I think they are wrong on this.

The I has the following:

34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree, a felony under New York state law, in order to conceal “hush money” payments allegedly made on his behalf to porn star Stormy Daniels in 2016 in order to secure her silence about a sexual affair they are accused of having a decade earlier.

Each count carries a maximum sentence of four years in prison.

However, such sentences are only doled out with mitigating circumstances, like previous felony convictions or based on the seriousness of the crime.

The accusation against Mr Trump is largely victimless and as such a judge is not likely to sentence him to anything more than fines or, at the most, probation and community service, were he to be convicted by a jury.

Although I disagree with the assumption of no prison time as Cohen did time for basically the same crime and that has to be the benchmark.

I think they are wrong on this.

The I has the following:

Although I disagree with the assumption of no prison time as Cohen did time for basically the same crime and that has to be the benchmark.

Community service - Can you imagine that tonne of coleslaw in an orange bin bag picking up litter somewhere in Harlem. That would be hilarious.

“Let me tell you, folks, nobody picked up trash like I did, nobody. It was incredible, truly. I was out there, in the community, doing a fantastic job, probably the best they've ever seen. People were amazed, they said, "Sir, how do you do it? How do you pick up so much trash?" And I told them, "It's about making our neighborhoods great again." We had huge, I mean, huge amounts of litter disappearing like never before. It was like nothing they've ever seen. They couldn't believe it was the same place.”
Community service - Can you imagine that tonne of coleslaw in an orange bin bag picking up litter somewhere in Harlem. That would be hilarious.

“Let me tell you, folks, nobody picked up trash like I did, nobody. It was incredible, truly. I was out there, in the community, doing a fantastic job, probably the best they've ever seen. People were amazed, they said, "Sir, how do you do it? How do you pick up so much trash?" And I told them, "It's about making our neighborhoods great again." We had huge, I mean, huge amounts of litter disappearing like never before. It was like nothing they've ever seen. They couldn't believe it was the same place.”
Community service - Can you imagine that tonne of coleslaw in an orange bin bag picking up litter somewhere in Harlem. That would be hilarious.

“Let me tell you, folks, nobody picked up trash like I did, nobody. It was incredible, truly. I was out there, in the community, doing a fantastic job, probably the best they've ever seen. People were amazed, they said, "Sir, how do you do it? How do you pick up so much trash?" And I told them, "It's about making our neighborhoods great again." We had huge, I mean, huge amounts of litter disappearing like never before. It was like nothing they've ever seen. They couldn't believe it was the same place.”
You forgot that they had tears in their eyes as they addressed him.

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