I don't have the time to go over everything but I can give you my quick opinion on about two of those bullet points.
Abortion should not be permitted unless the pregnancy is a harm to the mother. I think science is pretty clear about when the heartbeat can be detected in a fetus and that's around 6 weeks. I think anything with a heartbeat can be pretty much deemed to be "life" and therefore abortion after the heartbeat should be punished, unless the maternal life was deemed to be vulnerable. With Roe v Wade being overturned, around 30,000 lives have been saved according to this study:
‘This represents the most profound transformation of the landscape of U.S. abortion access in 50 years,’ the report declared.
Regarding Trump leaving NATO, that's not even his position. Trump has never been about leaving NATO but that's been grossly misrepresented by leftists and the media. His whole shtick has been to hold certain countries in Europe responsible for not spending up to the required NATO defense budget. I don't believe the US should try to foot the bill of the defense of a lot of wealthy European countries when they aren't pulling their weight and expect the US to do everything. It should be a shared project but it seems like the US is having to foot a lot of the bill. The reason why countries like Germany are able to have generous safety nets and welfare benefits because they aren't having to spend obscene amounts on their military as the US subsidizes everything. That does not sit well with the American population. Trump has also tried to hold Germany accountable for the Nordstream pipeline deals with Russia which has royally fucked over their economy now.