If The UK would grow a pair of cajones and tell the USA that a "Special Relationship" no longer exists, and we want no part of your grotesque 'Military Industrial Complex', then I think it would give a lead to the rest of Europe to do likewise. Most sane people on this continent are sick of your country's malign influence on this planet.
You like to export divisions around the world to stoke up conflicts, but none of these, profitable for yourselves, wars ever seem to be fought on your own soil ?
You dare come on a football forum in the UK and bleat about Europe not spending enough on Defence. We wouldn't need a defence if you weren't in the picture. Putin has no beef with Europe, he just got sick of your despots welching on the agreements you signed when the Berlin Wall came down under Gorbachev. Not a step further East you promised, but couldn't help yourselves wanting to provoke the Russian Bear and make it angry.
Hence, a proxy war in Ukraine that can't be won. Mind your own fucking business America, and you might end up having enough dollars to sort out the mess that is your own country.