Donald Trump

You're not getting though because you are mischaracterizing my arguments and now claim that I'm pivoting.

By the by - littering your remarks to me with words and phrases such as "

is simply ad-hominem. If you wish to engage in honest debate, perhaps you could, in future, refrain from character assassination and instead, focus on rational argument, free of emotion.
I am genuinely at a loss as nothing in that post makes sense.
I am genuinely at a loss as nothing in that post makes sense.
Here's a suggestion - I like what you post, mostly. And we're 100% in accord with what we want for America. But you're throwing insults my way - instead of arguing the merits - and when I point this out - you say it makes no sense - in spite of my having quoted you doing so.

So here's my suggestion - put me on ignore.

I'm putting you on ignore for the next month or so.
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Here's a suggestion - I like what you post, mostly. And we're 100% in accord with what we want for America. But you're throwing insults my way - instead of arguing the merits - and when I point this out - you say it makes no sense - in spite of my having quoted you doing so.

So here's my suggestion - put me on ignore.

I'm putting you on ignore for the next month or so - until you cool down.
Biden talking about the bridge collapse , not missing a beat , nowt wrong with him, i think he falters when he is knackered and his stammer is worse , makes more sense than the orange ****
Biden has numerous accomplishments during his presidency:

  • Advanced cutting-edge research on cancer and other diseases through the ARPA-H initiative
  • Signed legislation to put more cops on the beat and invest in community policing
  • Signed the Electoral Count Act, which takes long overdue steps to protect the integrity of our elections
  • Lowered the cost of hearing aids by making them available over the counter
  • Created more manufacturing jobs in 2022 than in any single year in nearly 30 years
  • Signed an Executive Order to encourage competition across industries
  • Took action to lower energy costs for families
  • Lowered seniors’ health care expenses, including by capping out of pocket expenses on prescription drugs for seniors at $2,000 per year, ensuring that people enrolled in Medicare will not pay more than $35 for a month’s supply of insulin, and recipients will receive free vaccines
  • Accelerated adoption of electric vehicles by reducing costs for families, jumpstarted the first national EV charging network, and made historic investments into EV batteries and materials
  • Rejoined the Paris Agreement on day one to reassert the United States global leadership to combat the climate crisis
  • Jumpstarted the American offshore wind industry and convened the nation’s first federal-state offshore wind partnership
  • Set new policies to reduce super pollutants like HFCs and methane to protect communities and reduce emissions fueling climate change
  • Lowered the deficit with the single largest annual reduction in American history
  • Secured commitments from 20 leading internet providers to increase speeds and cut prices
  • Signed legislation to reauthorize and strengthen the Violence Against Women Act
  • Awarded the most ever federal contracting dollars to small businesses and disadvantaged small businesses
  • Reignited the Cancer Moonshot with the goal of cutting the cancer death rate by at least half over the next 25 years
  • Appointed a record number of women and people of color to serve in his Administration
  • Hosted the first White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health in over 50 years and released a National Strategy to end hunger and reduce diet-related diseases and disparities by 2030
  • Awarded more than $1 billion to initiate cleanup and clear the backlog of 49 previously unfunded Superfund sites, over $250 million to clean up hundreds of contaminated brownfield sites and $725 million for abandoned mine lands
  • Restored protections for Bears Ears, Grand Staircase-Escalante, and Northeast Canyons and Seamounts National Monuments and designated Camp Hale-Continental Divide National Monument to conserve our lands and waters, honor our nation’s veterans, protect Tribal cultural resources, and support jobs and America’s outdoor recreation economy
  • Signed an Executive Order on Improving Public Safety and Criminal Justice for Native Americans and Addressing the Crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People
  • Invested historic funding for Tribal governments and Native communities
  • Mailed over 740 million free COVID-19 tests directly to tens of millions of Americans
    Source: Department of Health and Human Services
Unfortunately, Biden hasn't been able to effectively communicate all of his accomplishments to the voting public.


My point is that the election outcome - because of the screwed up electoral college - is down to how a handful of undecided voters in a few swing states - a mere 1/2 percent or so of voters in some such cases - end up voting.

Are you really arguing that either my assertion above isn't so, or that it is so but that you can confidently predict how those 1/2 percent of voters in swing states will vote?
I don't disagree with this. It's been true for a while in the U.S.

I just don't agree that there's anyone here who thinks that Biden is a 100% guaranteed lock to win, as you've asserted, is all.

And then I don't know that there's much data to support that the swing voters in those states who helped elect Biden in 2020 will suddenly switch to Trump in 2024, whereas there seems to be a fair amount of evidence (especially in the primary vote) that some GOPers are to hell and done with Trump.

That increases my confidence that Biden will win, but it doesn't make him any kind of lock, especially with a lot of the campaign left to go. Were I a betting man (and I'm not save for wagers or pools with friends, and the occasional poker game), I would consider doing what @SWP's back has too.
I don't disagree with this. It's been true for a while in the U.S.

I just don't agree that there's anyone here who thinks that Biden is a 100% guaranteed lock to win, as you've asserted, is all.

And then I don't know that there's much data to support that the swing voters in those states who helped elect Biden in 2020 will suddenly switch to Trump in 2024, whereas there seems to be a fair amount of evidence (especially in the primary vote) that some GOPers are to hell and done with Trump.

That increases my confidence that Biden will win, but it doesn't make him any kind of lock, especially with a lot of the campaign left to go. Were I a betting man (and I'm not save for wagers or pools with friends, and the occasional poker game), I would consider doing what @SWP's back has too.
Cheers FogBlue. This is the sort of dialog I welcome, versus the hit-job SebastianBlue rhetoric.

As for a 100% lock for Biden to win - I agree - no one thinks that. It was an overstatement on my part.

Are you at the at the stage where you're going to place a bet v. Biden winning the election as SWP has done?

No pressure - I, at this point think that Biden will prevail and will win re-election - in spite of all the unknowns. But I'm a chicken - LOL - and will not bet on this outcome! Or maybe I'd bet 1 dollar or so as a statement of hope rather than fervent belief.
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Cheers FogBlue. This is the sort of dialog I welcome, versus the hit-job SebastianBlue rhetoric.

Are you at the at the stage where you're going to place a bet v. Biden winning the election as SWP has done?

No pressure - I, at this point think that Biden will prevail and will win re-election - in spite of all the unknowns. But I'm a chicken - LOL - and will not bet on this outcome! Or maybe I'd bet 1 dollar or so as a statement of belief.
You have to laugh.

You don’t even have the integrity to tag me and accuse me of a “hit job” for merely calling you out on your nonsense, as everyone else has.

Not covering yourself in glory here.
Or has looked at 2016 and the Access Hollywood revelation days before the election... and for WTF ever reason, Trump won - shocking even Trump himself.

Dude - the 2024 election is going to be down to a handful of swing states due the screwed up electoral college. I hope you're right predicting that Biden will win hands down. But I've zero confidence that you are correct or are in fact incorrect. Beats me what will happen either way.

Truth is, nobody fucking knows. And at this point, is pretty goddamn close either way.
Completely ignoring the fact he probably was dead in the water until the FBI publicly stated it was opening an investigation in to Hillary actually days before the election.

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