Donald Trump

It’s because the surety firm has to provide current year financial statements proving they are good for the money, but “Knight Specialty Insurance” didn’t give the court anything. This firm Trump is using is basically a car loan financing company who will have no experience of the process.

On current deadlines that means he has one day left to fix it. Unless he gets some kind of administrative extension.
This guy (who owns the company) has been a long time big Trump financial supporter, so this is just another way of helping him out.

To get a surety bond, you need about 10% down. If the bond is $175M, that would mean at least $17.5M. However, if this guy is a big supporter, he can accept ANY AMOUNT of premium on the surety bond, and accept the greater financial risk himself. In effect, it would be a multi-million dollar DONATION TO TRUMP, but I doubt the FEC has any rules on ex-Presidents having supporters pay for a surety bond to avoid paying a 500M fine until after an appeal!!

Just another grift.
To paraphrase the judges response to his immunity request;

"It's a bit fucking late you mango faced wiggy ****. See you in court in a fortnight!"

As there's no way he can claim immunity for the original concealment, it seems he was claiming that all the tweets/messages about it while he was president have immunity.

Unfortunately, he seems to have blathered at some length about it, including commenting on the NDA that Cohen drew up (the NDA he presumably doesn't know anything about).

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