Donald Trump

Because Muslims that witness the Gaza atrocities agree with you.

Black Americans (or "predators" as Biden loves to call them) imprisoned under Biden's 3 strike law agree with you. Yes, because Biden struggled to even state his case for ethnic America's growth in front of the world.

Yes, as someone who doesn't relate to those worlds, you WOULD think it's "talking bollocks".

As expected.

As I said you talk bollocks. You have no idea what my opinion is on Gaza. I’m certainly not with the religious lunatics on either side.
Firstly, having a guess about what Trump will do in the future is stupid because he's a populist and changes his mind on things quite a bit. So his "finish the job" could mean anything by the time he may become president.

Biden crafted a bipartisan bill which Black people uniquely suffered from. he wasn't pres at the time, but the architect and that architect became pres without offering regret or walkback on what happened. by his OWN crafted law, I'm pretty sure his own son should be facing prison time, like others that went there, thanks to him.

The BLM movement got co-opted. The world and his wife knows this by now. I don't condone Trump's actions, but I don't recall him targeting Black people in particular like Biden did. I acknowledge his dumb newspaper opinion on the "Central Park Five" but, again, he's populist. That statement hardly cost his friendship with rich and famous Black stars as a permanent position. They just called him 'Dumb Donald', but viewed him as, mostly, harmless.

Understand I don't like either of these old clowns as, to me, they are as bad as each other.

For Trump and Israel, You need to take a look at his evangelical base. They believe the 2nd coming of Christ is due and that Christ will rise from Israel and bring forth the Rapture.

Trump going all out for Israel is what his key base wants. No way he will move away from that stance.

I can’t recall too many specific’s on BLM to be fair past the un marked police and the black hawks. I recall the black hawks were used in peaceful protests tho.

How exactly did the bill uniquely target black people? Even the black caucus supported it at the time. It may have effected more blacks than whites but it’s wasn’t just blacks. He is on record saying the original bill had a lot of provisions to move drug related offenses away from criminal courts into drug courts for rehab etc. he did also say the republicans didn’t think the bill was strict enough so no idea if they forced changes? Really no idea there.
As I said you talk bollocks. You have no idea what my opinion is on Gaza. I’m certainly not with the religious lunatics on either side.

You're so amazingly dense, that you don't understand what I said.

Nobody mentioned YOUR opinion on Gaza. But you're so stupid you take the argument away from the discussion YOU started, just to try and insult, making yourself even denser in the process.

Do yourself a favour, block me and talk about me to other zionists like the other cowards do.
For Trump and Israel, You need to take a look at his evangelical base. They believe the 2nd coming of Christ is due and that Christ will rise from Israel and bring forth the Rapture.

Trump going all out for Israel is what his key base wants. No way he will move away from that stance.

I can’t recall too many specific’s on BLM to be fair past the un marked police and the black hawks. I recall the black hawks were used in peaceful protests tho.

How exactly did the bill uniquely target black people? Even the black caucus supported it at the time. It may have effected more blacks than whites but it’s wasn’t just blacks. He is on record saying the original bill had a lot of provisions to move drug related offenses away from criminal courts into drug courts for rehab etc. he did also say the republicans didn’t think the bill was strict enough so no idea if they forced changes? Really no idea there.

I know about his evangelical base; they're Christian zionists on a par with the Ashkenazi Jews and their demand for Israel. But his quandary will be about his political stance at home versus the zionist base for Israel.

I'm not so sure it's an easy position to be in.

As for BLM, Obama's position was almost as bad and he had several other riots on his watch.

“I could not, with any integrity, participate in such a sham that would only serve to legitimize the false narrative that the government is working to end police brutality and the institutional racism that fuels it.

“I was under the impression that a meeting was being organized to facilitate a genuine exchange on the matters facing millions of Black and Brown people in the United States. Instead, what was arranged was basically a photo opportunity and a 90-second sound bite for the president” spoken by Aislinn Pulley, a BLM leader in 2016, before the org got truly co-opted under the Trump regime.

Just people tend to gloss over what happened to him.

At the top, they're all cunts who do very little for the people they lead.

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