Don't Bang the Drum.

Bembeltown said:
Back then Ultras Frankfurt relocated to a certain area in our old arena and all of a sudden it became "cool" to be part of this singing area and more and more people gathered up there to join the chants, be part of the displays etc.

Great post Bembeltown. What was it like before the Ultras Frankfurt relocated?

I ask because I am convinced that until we get all those who want sing together in one area we will always struggle to get the atmosphere we desire. I also think that any new ideas such as drums or megaphones will be rejected because those that embrace such ideas are spread thinly throughout the stadium.

As I've said before, our problem isn't a shortage of willing singers, it's that they aren't sat in the same area.
Cry Me A Weaver said:
Bembeltown said:
Back then Ultras Frankfurt relocated to a certain area in our old arena and all of a sudden it became "cool" to be part of this singing area and more and more people gathered up there to join the chants, be part of the displays etc.

Great post Bembeltown. What was it like before the Ultras Frankfurt relocated?

I ask because I am convinced that until we get all those who want sing together in one area we will always struggle to get the atmosphere we desire. I also think that any new ideas such as drums or megaphones will be rejected because those that embrace such ideas are spread thinly throughout the stadium.

As I've said before, our problem isn't a shortage of willing singers, it's that they aren't sat in the same area.
This ^^^

and the club have really got to get this sorted

the current arrangements are designed to suit the club .. not the PAYING FANS and are a result of inertia and lack of vision

Arse about face IMHO
Why Always Ste said:
jrb said:
Didsbury Dave said:
A march to old Trafford? Will never happen mate.

The Guvnors have marched to old Trafford a good few times. 300 of them two years ago in the cup semi would have been the last time. But the police were all over them, splitting them up, disrupting their meet and corralling them into the ground. And they are old Skool lads who can handle themselves and aren't afraid of man united.

Youre living in a fantasy world if you think It will never ever happen with a bunch of normal fans, mate. In the extremely unlikely event the police don't destroy your meet, united's scrotes will think Christmas has come early...

I know Dave.

Saying that, if your average supporter tried it instead of the Guvnors, perhaps GMP would look on it more favourably and escort them to OT.

Sadly it won't ever happen. Nice thought though. :-)

This isn't about violence, looking tough and so on...I did all that shit whilst fighting in the cage.

This is about backing the team positively.

If you're violent you will not be welcomed To The Citizens.

We do however have the right to defend ourselves and will use reasonable force if necessary.

Racism and any form of discrimination will not be tolerated.

Have a problem? come see me personally.

Ste Brown

Oh do fuck off with your '10 men' bullshit. Cage fighter eh? I'm a champion Taekwondo exponent... But you don't see me offering everybody out... Cage fighter = wannabe thug!
levets said:
Oh do fuck off with your '10 men' bullshit. Cage fighter eh? I'm a champion Taekwondo exponent... But you don't see me offering everybody out... Cage fighter = wannabe thug!

I'm well adept at aquaboxing, some say i'm like a great white shark but with fists and the scowl of a sexually violent hawk. I'm just saying...

But my super hard bad ass skills aside I think while their is likely a large enough section who'd get into it they are spread far too thin and to an extent it's a culture thing (you don't see many other British teams doing the same) we have our own style and perhaps instead of adopting a different one we should try enhancing our own, and I don't think a drum would help personally. Likely just get annoying.

If you disagree I'm happy to dip in the pool with you and settle this like aquamen.
Well even people who don't like the drum idea, what do you think of people who want to sing group together and just sing for 90 mins without being frowned upon by people?

But they are in a different area than south stand?
levets said:
Why Always Ste said:
jrb said:
I know Dave.

Saying that, if your average supporter tried it instead of the Guvnors, perhaps GMP would look on it more favourably and escort them to OT.

Sadly it won't ever happen. Nice thought though. :-)

This isn't about violence, looking tough and so on...I did all that shit whilst fighting in the cage.

This is about backing the team positively.

If you're violent you will not be welcomed To The Citizens.

We do however have the right to defend ourselves and will use reasonable force if necessary.

Racism and any form of discrimination will not be tolerated.

Have a problem? come see me personally.

Ste Brown

Oh do fuck off with your '10 men' bullshit. Cage fighter eh? I'm a champion Taekwondo exponent... But you don't see me offering everybody out... Cage fighter = wannabe thug!

LoL... Re-read the post.

I'm stating that the group is anti-violent, then you accuse me of being a wannabe thug... eh?

This is in response to the "Ultras" comments that people are confusing this term with the group newly formed which just aims to bring better, positive atmosphere backing the team.

Since last Thursday I've had shitloads of comments constantly aimed at myself and others involved in this project.
Loads of negative shit written about me.

There has been countless aggressive/confrontational comments made from members on here with regards to this new group, threatening those who may bring a drum and so on... Loads of posts like this.

If I offend you then apologies. I should block the Tapatalk app from my phone after 4am.... Bluemoon and Alcohol don't mix lol.

Next time Myself and others are being threatened I'll run it by you first if it's ok to defend myself?
Cry Me A Weaver said:
Bembeltown said:
Back then Ultras Frankfurt relocated to a certain area in our old arena and all of a sudden it became "cool" to be part of this singing area and more and more people gathered up there to join the chants, be part of the displays etc.

Great post Bembeltown. What was it like before the Ultras Frankfurt relocated?

I ask because I am convinced that until we get all those who want sing together in one area we will always struggle to get the atmosphere we desire. I also think that any new ideas such as drums or megaphones will be rejected because those that embrace such ideas are spread thinly throughout the stadium.

As I've said before, our problem isn't a shortage of willing singers, it's that they aren't sat in the same area.

It was exactly the same sort of problem you lot are facing. The traditional "singing section" in our old arena was pretty big and crowded as the tickets for this area were the cheapest as well. You had a mix of old farts, who stood there the whole game complaining with arms folded, the usual suspects who were already too drunk to spell their own name 2 hours before kick off, and then a couple of people who where actually willing to create some noise but where spread all over the place.

When we went down to the 2nd division we had a drop in attendance as well, as people were used to see Juventus Turin, Bayern München etc. week in and out and not the likes of fucking Zwickau (holy mother of good just thinking about that time makes me want to punch some cute, fluffy animal).

Due to the drop of people actually going to games there was the option to relocate with a bunch of people to a different part of the Arena and unite all the people willing to give the Ultras concept a go.

I agree with you that getting all the people willing to sing their hearts off for 90 Minutes into one area is pretty much key. Even 100 people constantly singing can make a lot of noise and sooner or later the noise will spread even to the miserable bastards. ;)
The Sheffield Wednesday band ended up ruining the atmosphere because everyone hated it and spent most of their time having a go at the band so they never really got behind the team.

I know you would soon get sick of a drummer if he was near you and what do you do if you get a crap one how do you propose to replace him.

I'm sorry but all of this pre arranged crap will make the club a laughing stock

if the atmosphere remains crap we will be slagged off if it lifts it we will be accused of ripping off the Europeans

standing areas is the only answer not some knob head " capo" What ever that is? who thinks he owns the stands

standing means like minded people will get together and sing what they want

will all this arranged crap just make the stands more PC and sanitise the stands

I for one like offensive chants bet the people who arrange all this proposed crap wont sing songs that the club don't like

we are English and the ultras system won't work here

we've been in Europe for five minutes and some people think we are just like the few teams we've played no wonder the rag fans are taking the piss.

first we rip off the poznan and now ultras whats next?

just get up and sing if the other fans around you do the same the atmosphere will improve if not that's just the way it is

what happens when one of these groups keep singing songs like we score when we want they will just make us all look like arrogant cvnts and once they are in place we will not be able to get rid of them

so be very careful what you wish for

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