Double glazing salesmen


Well-Known Member
3 Jul 2009
Anyone had on in their gaff recently?

I had one round the other night

This dick was stood in my kitchen, I just wanted to know how much a UPVC door would cost - He said £1500....I said behave....he actually slapped his own hand and uttered "Take 55% of that straight away"

I said.....errrrm alright but that's still nearly 800 for a door.......he then said if I ring my boss he might give me a lower will have to buy tonight though......

I couldn't believe this wanky sales process STILL goes on in 2010

I said "too be honest mate you have fucked this whole process up - I'm not an idiot and your just pissing me off with this pantomime - Lets call it a night, thanks for coming"

He then carried on still trying to sell me a door.....!!!!

He even said "I could stay here for a few hours and put the hard sell on you but Im not like that, that's not the way I sell"

At which point I burst out laughing

I was still laughing when I was escorting him out - he was getting very irate because I was ripping the piss put of him

Fucking do they sell anything to anybody
i work for a small double glazing firm mate. and the amount off money the salesmen are on is unberlievable. all commission based. fuknows how they sell the stuff. but they can talk a glass eye 2 sleep
Sounds like a right Arthur daley character

If you still need a door or any other upvc products give My Brother a bell

01204 663 979

He runs a company manufacturing and installing windows and doors , amd the bonus is he is a season ticket holding blue so He wont rip you off ( Just tell him Steve gave you his number )

Paul powers moustache said:
Sounds like a right Arthur daley character

If you still need a door or any other upvc products give My Brother a bell

01204 663 979

He runs a company manufacturing and installing windows and doors , amd the bonus is he is a season ticket holding blue so He wont rip you off ( Just tell him Steve gave you his number )


Your brother is going to be receiving calls all afternoon from the more mischevious blues on here saying "Steve said you'd fix my back door" heh heh
Paul powers moustache said:
Sounds like a right Arthur daley character

If you still need a door or any other upvc products give My Brother a bell

01204 663 979

He runs a company manufacturing and installing windows and doors , amd the bonus is he is a season ticket holding blue so He wont rip you off ( Just tell him Steve gave you his number )

Cheers fella
"I could stay and give you the hard sell for 3 hours" lol, the last one who said that to me got 10 seconds to get out, he was gone in 5.

PPS Oddly I get them knocking `onspec` all the time, I say oddly because anyone with eyes and a brain can see they`re new windows so really shouldn`t be bothering, I still stay polite though ( unless they change the mood of the conversation) as I think that could easily be my Son or one of my Daughters having to do it for a living and I`d be pretty annoyed if someone just randomly abused them.
If i am not expecting company, i just dont bother to answer the door now so i dont waste my time with them and other "sellers".

Best one, when i used to answer the door, was someone on behalf of British Gas.
We can save you money they said. I replied you have no idea what i pay.
They showed me a photocopy (yes photocopy) of a page torn out of a newspaper showing British gas slashing prices.
I replied, what about the 10 increases you had last year, surely putting up the price by 60% then slashing it by 5% isnt a saving. Also what about the watchdog report saying more complaints about British Gas than any other supplier.
I think he could tell by now he was on a losing run with me.

Other stuff thats a pin is all those "we want you spare clothing" little bags you get every 2 weeks. FFS how many clothes do they think i buy?
Also people who put catalogues through your door saying we will collect it the next day, please leave it outside, then they never turn up for days on end. Now i just bin them
A mate of mine had an appointment for a salesman to call and give a quote for some new windows the other night... for some bizzare reason she insisted on buying a nice new set of bath towels before he came cos she didnt want him seeing her scruffy old ones!

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