Double glazing salesmen

my mate told me a good one. this knob 'ed salesman phones him while he's eating his tea so he thinks right you twat, so he's on the phone for ages telling them yes i'll have new windows and doors mate no problem. the guy starts asking him what colour frames he wants, how many windows in the property etc. to cut a long story short he keeps the salesman on the phone for about 20 mins and when he asks what day is convenient to come round to measure up/ take a depsoit etc, my mate says you'll have to ask manchester council first mate, its their house you tit! said the phone went down quicker than a 10 bob brass.
When I lived in Didsbury I had a company ring offering to sort me out with a patio.

We were chatting for a while for what I'd like to see (colour of paving, stone lions etc). When we agreed a date and time I asked them if they could be sure they could fit one on a top floor flat. The guy went mad about me wasting his time - i told him he called me so he was actually wasting my time and should do better research before calling anybody else.

I enjoyed the chat though ;-)
Whenever I get someone phoning me asking me to take part in a survey, I always say,
"Yes I've got 10 minutes for your market research, no problem. To whom shall I send my invoice, I normally charge £50 for this type of thing."
They generally get a little flustered or go deathly quiet. My missus thinks I'm a right twat when I do this, but I love it.
I got home one day to find that a salesman had called, he got my my wife to agree to call back when i got in
from work, sure enough 7pm on the dot this twat turned up.
He had priced all units and wanted us to sign!!!, I never wanted anthing changing, when i told him NO sorry
he accused my wife of wasting HIS time..I then told him he had 30 secs to get out of my house, before he
leaves head 1st. He did but later rang to say he will be back with his boss !!!!, WTF can you believe these
This summer I had some dodgy looking blokes in suits knock on the door, answered and they were offering a deal on double glazing, pay for downstairs, get the upstairs done for free etc.

I looked at them, looked at my double glazed door, then pointed up to my double glazed windows. "we had them done in the Spring mate"...but he still insisted on trying to flog em to me!

We did ask someone from Safestyle to come round and give us a quote. He did all that it'll be £10,000, but hang on, we have a special offer on, it's half price. I'm just going to ring my boss though, you seem like nice people, I'll see what I can do. It was nonsense. I just asked him to leave because it was dodgy as hell.

In the end we went to Didsbury Glass. We rang them up, a guy came round the next day, priced it up, posted us a quote, it was a bit more than what we thought, we they were highly recommended. It was done a couple of weeks later, the two blokes who did them were top, good laugh, the fitting was so good on some windows it looked like we'd decorated after the windows had gone in.
Its so easy to fit windows its untrue.

Becarefull though because some right cowboys knocking about using 2nd hand windows.
my mates dad fits kitchens/bathrooms and the like.

one night a couple of years ago when we were all out, my mate went went to the toilet and made the fatal mistake of leaving his phone on the table. so, being good mates and all, we got his dads number and proceeded to leave a few 'messages' on his answer machine. the week after he was telling us how some twit had been asking for quotes for their... dolls house!... on his answering machine.

it was great.
I had mine done many years ago, got two prices, Everest and a local company, both quoted over £5500 (it was over 20 years ago). Everest phones up, I say no mate I have a cheaper quote so he beats it, Locals firm calls, same conversation, this happened 4 times, local firm got the job, for £1700. Just shows what they can make if numpty's go for first quote.
These people still exist because there are still thick twunts knocking about.

Talking to a mate of mine the other day he tells me about the new doors he's just had.
Tells me about the sales guy that came round and told him all about how the industry is really suffering and the prices are going to sky rocket. So he manages to get a "deal". He got 2 new doors, front and back for a terraced house. He paid £2000, £1400 for the front but the salesman did him a favor and only charged him £600 for the back door.

The piss taking that has gone on has reached fever pitch. (I keep telling him the price of beer is about to sky rocket and he should buy me 6 pints before I go home)

A fool and his money.

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