Drinking in the stands to be trialled in the second tier of women's football

Hope not , if its anything like gigs Ive been to . Up and down for beers and toilets, spilling it over me as they squeeze past with 3 or 4 pints Just watch the football FFS. Half those missing the game to get beer wil be those moaning about the cost of football and drinks at the stadium.
The cricket can be like that too.
Looking at the title I thought it meant you could only drink in the 2nd tier of the stands and not the lower tier....

But this rule is long over due to be overturned (as was the standing issue which has finally been dispatched).

I can go to a concert at City and drink. I can go to a Rugby game at City and drink. But I can't go to a football game at City and drink.
There is no logical reason why fans should not be allowed to drink in view of the pitch. If anyone causes an issue then deal with the individuals concerned, not a blanket ruling on everyone.
Calling it a ‘trial’ is a bit misleading. A trial is a test run at a low key event to give you pointers to how it might work if introduced at a higher level.

This will give no information or clues whatsoever to how the same rule might work at a high end men’s game.
Don’t want it!

It’s one of the reasons I’ve stopped going to rugby games because people are constantly going in-and-out of the stand past you either to get a beer or to go for a piss, they spill their drinks on your shoes when they come back and throw their beers in the air when a try is scored. Those who take it up with people for having beer thrown on them either end up being purposely targeted with beer the next time it happens or a fight breaks out.

It’s a fucking nightmare to be honest.
Should have been brought back ages ago and if any specific clubs or fanbase have problems then they should lose the privilege on a club by club basis.

I don't think it would be necessarily mean people getting up out of their seats all through the half. It might stop people downing loads of drinks before the games and needing to piss nonstop. Also I think it will mean people are less inclined to leave their seats too early before half time because they'll know that even if they don't get served until close to kickoff, they can still take it to their seat.
Should have been brought back ages ago and if any specific clubs or fanbase have problems then they should lose the privilege on a club by club basis.

I don't think it would be necessarily mean people getting up out of their seats all through the half. It might stop people downing loads of drinks before the games and needing to piss nonstop. Also I think it will mean people are less inclined to leave their seats too early before half time because they'll know that even if they don't get served until close to kickoff, they can still take it to their seat.
Doesn’t work like that at other sports and events that allow drinks to be taken into the arena or ground. As posted above what happens when we score and drinks get spilled and knocked over. Just don’t see much benefit from it.
If the law did change so you were allowed to drink alcohol in sight of the pitch, I wouldn’t be too fussed either way if they allowed it in the stands at City or not.

But what I think would be a good idea is if they made the inner walls between the concourse and the stand transparent.

That way everyone in the bar area ( obvious first tier only ) could have some sort of view of the pitch. It would stop all the crowding around the blue boxes and people charging back and forth whenever there was a bit of a roar. And it would probably spread the rush to the bar out a little.
Doesn’t work like that at other sports and events that allow drinks to be taken into the arena or ground. As posted above what happens when we score and drinks get spilled and knocked over. Just don’t see much benefit from it.

There's not really the room is there?

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