Drinking limits.

johnmc said:
CTID1988 said:
I did a bottle of jack daniels when i was 15. Never again

Having read the storys since on fully grown men dying from less it really made me think

Yeah but those minatures won't do you too much damage really.

On a full day session 12-15 pints would be standard - of carling or fosters mind. Anything 5% and 10-12 would have me sleeping in an alley again.

Haha, nice one
Pigeonho said:
Tonight i've got a Chablis, which was on offer in Tesco. Mrs P isn't a big drinker at all and clearly hides the fact she thinks I drink too much. What I drink though has probably halved at least since i've been with her.

My missus doesnt hide that she thinks i drink too much, and like yourself I drink far less than I used to so not sure what she would have said in the past.

I've only been drinking wine for a couple of years, more refined palet you see. Can only drink red and mainly rioja or Cabernet Sauvignon but a sucker for a deal. Got a Pinot Noir for £6 half price in sainsburys last week. Never had it before as it sounds camp. But it was alright. If I ever drink red in a pub shoot me, and if i ever ask for a Pinot Noir in a boozer shoot me and stamp on my face
Strange how subjective drinking can be. In the past I've drunk two full bottles of Southern Comfort in a night and felt very few ill effects, yes I was drunk but able to hold conversations, walk home and no hangover to speak of, but on the other hand I've drunk two standard glasses of red wine passed out/fallen asleep and spent the next day in bed with an awful hangover.
johnmc said:
Pigeonho said:
Tonight i've got a Chablis, which was on offer in Tesco. Mrs P isn't a big drinker at all and clearly hides the fact she thinks I drink too much. What I drink though has probably halved at least since i've been with her.

My missus doesnt hide that she thinks i drink too much, and like yourself I drink far less than I used to so not sure what she would have said in the past.

I've only been drinking wine for a couple of years, more refined palet you see. Can only drink red and mainly rioja or Cabernet Sauvignon but a sucker for a deal. Got a Pinot Noir for £6 half price in sainsburys last week. Never had it before as it sounds camp. But it was alright. If I ever drink red in a pub shoot me, and if i ever ask for a Pinot Noir in a boozer shoot me and stamp on my face
I don't even drink wine with a meal in a restaurant, only ever in the house. When we started drinking out in the boozers when we were 18, one of our lot had ventured in a career in the army, Sandhurst was where he went. One Xmas eve we were all on it in Oldham boozing the night away when he turned up and bought a bottle of wine and a gay little glass and joined our then rowdy group. It was like one of those moments where the record scratches, everything goes silent and people stare, we just couldn't believe it. That was the end of his night anyway.

I told Mrs P what I used to drink, pre-her, and she wonders how i'm still alive. To me it wasn't that much but now i've cut right back I can see her point. I find it hard though to just have a bottle of wine in a night, I have to have a couple of beers at hand too, just to start or finish the night off. He question is always, 'why can't you drink like a normal person, sip the wine instead of gulping it?'. I just ignore her.
Most I ever drank was to the bottom of a Smirnoff Vodka bottle when I was 16, absolutely stupid considering the damage I could of done to myself, I was very lucky.

Normal drink limit now is probably 5-6 pints then I start to feel ill so I move to shorts even then its only one or two and then its at quite a low frequency, probably once every couple of months or so. By all accounts I am pretty lightweight!!!
Pigeonho said:
johnmc said:
Pigeonho said:
Tonight i've got a Chablis, which was on offer in Tesco. Mrs P isn't a big drinker at all and clearly hides the fact she thinks I drink too much. What I drink though has probably halved at least since i've been with her.

My missus doesnt hide that she thinks i drink too much, and like yourself I drink far less than I used to so not sure what she would have said in the past.

I've only been drinking wine for a couple of years, more refined palet you see. Can only drink red and mainly rioja or Cabernet Sauvignon but a sucker for a deal. Got a Pinot Noir for £6 half price in sainsburys last week. Never had it before as it sounds camp. But it was alright. If I ever drink red in a pub shoot me, and if i ever ask for a Pinot Noir in a boozer shoot me and stamp on my face
I don't even drink wine with a meal in a restaurant, only ever in the house. When we started drinking out in the boozers when we were 18, one of our lot had ventured in a career in the army, Sandhurst was where he went. One Xmas eve we were all on it in Oldham boozing the night away when he turned up and bought a bottle of wine and a gay little glass and joined our then rowdy group. It was like one of those moments where the record scratches, everything goes silent and people stare, we just couldn't believe it. That was the end of his night anyway.

I told Mrs P what I used to drink, pre-her, and she wonders how i'm still alive. To me it wasn't that much but now i've cut right back I can see her point. I find it hard though to just have a bottle of wine in a night, I have to have a couple of beers at hand too, just to start or finish the night off. He question is always, 'why can't you drink like a normal person, sip the wine instead of gulping it?'. I just ignore her.
You are a very wise man,there's almost no medical proof that alcohol is bad for you. I'm still alive
Most I ever drank was to the bottom of a Smirnoff Vodka bottle when I was 16, absolutely stupid considering the damage I could of done to myself, I was very lucky.

Normal drink limit now is probably 5-6 pints then I start to feel ill so I move to shorts even then its only one or two. By all accounts I am pretty lightweight!!!
I fucking LOVE that logic!
As a student we once had a vodka challenge night. I drank a 75cl bottle of Smirnoff and 4 pints of bitter. I nearly died the following day, and the day after that. Fucking embarassing as well as stupid.

I've had a few all day sessions in more recent times, but 8 pints or, in more civilised company, two bottles of wine is my absolute limit. Any more than that and I rapidly start to feel sick.

I'll have the odd whiskey at Christmas, but spirits and me are a bad combination.
I only tend to drink when I go out and I like to enjoy myself when I do. I probably get through 10 pints over the course of a day and evening for football. i.e. On it from lunchtime, Pint at half time and then the Pub afterwards until I think I'm done for the night.

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