Drug experiences?

First time i had them was both good and bad. It ended with me believing i had big Kenny Everett hands and my mum would know id done drugs. I asked a mate to get a carving knife so i could cut them off, he would of done had a mate who was straight knocked him out coming back from the kitchen with a breadknife.

Had a night of Microdots and took my last one at 7:30 am before going to work in a paint factory. The supervisor clocked me straight away and just had me cleaning up. Got sent home when i zoned out and was ankle deep in water with a industrial power washer in my hand spraying water away from the built in water gullies and wondering why it wasnt going away

Didnt happen to me but out down blackpool with the lads all well pilled. Fell out of a taxi at a better class club out of town, thinkin thats it instant turnaway but got in. about ten minutes after being in my mate leans over and asks if i think a Dr will be in the club...why i asked because i think im dying..dont be soft i said, ok i need a pint of water then to keep me alive.....silly **** hadnt even danced, thanks media.

Loads more

Dont want to glorify taking drugs, it wasnt big and it wasnt clever.....but it was fun
mcfcjosh said:
Has anyone had any funny/bad experiences and what off?
I'm just a bit bored and saw the ricky hatton cocaine thread, hence this thread

I love real ale.

Our hungry hound has fallen in love with spare rib pork.

She's been on a high ever since and weeing and pooing inside the house ;)
You cant go wrong with a nice mellow weed when taken in moderation,being from Dublin I see heroin and alcohol as being the 2 most destructive drugs Alcohol is THE gateway drug rarely have I heard of someone smoking pot before trying alcohol.
A mate of mine had been down Daisy Nook picking gold caps and gone back to bed.
His dad wakes up and decides to do a fry up,notices the mushrooms and chucks them in the pan.
Next thing my mate knows there's an ambulance outside the house and his dad is being led into it,his sister had found their dad cowering on the floor convinced the radiators were going to eat him.His dad under goes a full psychiatric examination at Tameside Hospital as they think he's suffering from some sort of mental breakdown,released the next day.
As soon as he's released goes into the Gardeners on Taunton Rd,the landlord laughingly says to him"we don't serve junkies",and drops my mate right in it.
Not a good night,when he came home from work.
Some funny stories on here with peoples hallucinations, I couldn't hack anything like that though. Sniffing Poppers in the toilets at work once was enough for me to know I would never touch anything. Didn't like the feeling at all.

Smoking the occasional spliff is as much as I've ever done, and that's only been in moderation.
Twice when i was in my twenties and smoking cannabis/skunk.

1st, i collapsed on my mates kitchen floor and was flapping there like a fish out of water, fully aware what was happening to me just couldn't do anything about it for a few mins, but boy, what a rush.

2nd, much the same, except i was going out of another mates house by the back door,(no, not that one silly billy's), went to open the handle, and it happened again, staring flapping like a fish out of water against the back door, couldn't let go of the handle, much the same as above, i was fully aware what was happening, just couldn't do anything to stop it, just had to ride the bus for a couple of minutes till it stopped naturally, but boy what a rush.

Havn't smoked weed for 11 years now, i saw the light and packed the shit in, drugs don't do you any good.
waterloo blue said:
A mate of mine had been down Daisy Nook picking gold caps and gone back to bed.
His dad wakes up and decides to do a fry up,notices the mushrooms and chucks them in the pan.
Next thing my mate knows there's an ambulance outside the house and his dad is being led into it,his sister had found their dad cowering on the floor convinced the radiators were going to eat him.His dad under goes a full psychiatric examination at Tameside Hospital as they think he's suffering from some sort of mental breakdown,released the next day.
As soon as he's released goes into the Gardeners on Taunton Rd,the landlord laughingly says to him"we don't serve junkies",and drops my mate right in it.
Not a good night,when he came home from work.

I shouldn't laugh ... but lol!

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