Drunken city fans

Ducado said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Football is a convenient veneer for plenty of City fans with deep-rooted drink problems.

There's one poisoned dwarf who drinks in the Eastlands pub, the biggest mouth you have ever heard on anyone.

He is probably in his mid 50's, but looks closer to 70. His shit stinks up the place, too, as does his one-man offensive chanting.

Along with the plethora of obese females who follow City and don't see the correlation between supping two-pinters, nature's natural culling tool will come soon enough.
Ha ha I might have put it better but you do have a point about drinking but the problem is endemic in the country ad a whole
It's not just about watching some blokes kicking a ball about though is it? Social interaction needs to be considered or the world would be one boring place.
give & go said:
Like a pint myself and had a few at wealdstone before game , but was amazed at the state of some blues yesterday, one lad at wealdstone could hardly stand a good 3 hours before K.O
In the match itself in 535 one lad fast asleep, one to pissed didn't know where his seat was, another couple nearly going over top rails when they came running down to front.
Like I say like a beer myself, but to spend all that cash on tickets and transport , not to see the game or remember what went on baffles me,
Tell me if I am a boring old fart , but I can remember every wembley city vist since 1969 including full members,
Bet there was a few who never made it home
Probably the same guy who collapsed in the Mary'D's on the final day of last season.He went in early doors and looked ill when he dropped,but a few staff in there say he does it most times!!
I was one of them.

I don't remember any of the game, altough I do remember celebrating Nasri's goal - even if I did think it was in extra time.

Apparently nearly got kicked out for being too pissed and walked in to the wonen's toilets.

Not getting pissed for the final, need to remember that one!
Billy Spurdle said:
give & go said:
Like a pint myself and had a few at wealdstone before game , but was amazed at the state of some blues yesterday, one lad at wealdstone could hardly stand a good 3 hours before K.O
In the match itself in 535 one lad fast asleep, one to pissed didn't know where his seat was, another couple nearly going over top rails when they came running down to front.
Like I say like a beer myself, but to spend all that cash on tickets and transport , not to see the game or remember what went on baffles me,
Tell me if I am a boring old fart , but I can remember every wembley city vist since 1969 including full members,
Bet there was a few who never made it home

Agree completely. It's a real pain in the arse having these idiots sat anywhere near you in the stadium. It's always baffled me why they bother buying a ticket when they could use the money for beer. It's obviously far more important to them than the game. Very sad.
Not being judge mental are we sir
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Football is a convenient veneer for plenty of City fans with deep-rooted drink problems.

There's one poisoned dwarf who drinks in the Eastlands pub, the biggest mouth you have ever heard on anyone.

He is probably in his mid 50's, but looks closer to 70. His shit stinks up the place, too, as does his one-man offensive chanting.

Along with the plethora of obese females who follow City and don't see the correlation between supping two-pinters, nature's natural culling tool will come soon enough.

What a paragon of virtue you must be.

Your post is one of the most odious i have ever seen aimed at our support.

Shameful, fucking shameful

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