Ederson Moraes

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Watching YouTube clips is almost pointless. Especially with keepers. You can even find the odd clip of bravo making non routine saves if you search long enough. I always like to know big oscar's opinion on benfica players, think he sees much more of them than most of us. A few months ago he said this.
I like him a lot, the lad has serious balls. I don't think he's quite the commanding presence that Oblak was (but few keepers are), but he's a much more Pep type keeper. Absolutely rapid of his line, incredibly decisive and gets rid of the ball really quickly and accurately. Fantastic reflexes, great at one-on-ones can't really remember any howlers he's ever made. In the air he's not been given the premier league test, but he strikes me as a guy who has the balls for the fight.

I think he'd do well here, although like all keepers there could be a settling in period while he discovers that referees don't give keepers freekicks for blatant fouls over here.
Have watched a few YouTube videos of him over the last few days.

Think he'll divide opinion here like Bravo. His goalkeeping skills are non-traditional; he slaps crosses which is dodgy in the PL, he retreats to his line at times where you'd expect him to look big and he's got mistakes in him.

I personally don't like how he jumps to reset himself. This is nitpicky but keepers who do that take a little longer than normal to get ready and make a movement.

Would like to see more of him, and some YT vids aren't a great way to judge either way but wasn't blown away

Haven't watched him, apart from two brief YT clips. Your point about jumping to reset is interesting. I was nothing more than a recreational footballer but I did play in goals regularly for more than 30 years. I was never formally coached on that position but my best man did his badges and gave me some tips when I was in my 20's that were useful and that I took on board; they didn't involve how to move your feet but that something I worked on over the years anyhow and did my best to ensure I was always ready to dive when an opponent struck the ball, which means having your feet on the ground - something, incidentally, I'd question about Bravo.

Ederson is young enough to be coached.
Players usually have PR people who translate social media posts (Aguero being one example), so I wouldn't be sure because of that. I hope he can speak English though, imo one of Bravo's major downfalls is that he hasn't been able to communicate properly with the backline.

Which of course affects his ability to save not-so-spectacular attempts on goal that are straight down his throat...
Which of course affects his ability to save not-so-spectacular attempts on goal that are straight down his throat...

I said it was one of Bravo major downfalls, he has absolutely no authority in goal in comparison to Hart or Willy because he can't communicate with anyone. His biggest problem is of course that you can shoot right through him.
Ederson Moraes is practically a Manchester City player and Benfica have already offered André Moreira a 5-year deal to replace him. [A Bola]
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