EDL and the UAF both have their own manifestos, which they are entitled to. However I think people find it easier to have sympathy with the UAF as their manifesto is actually based in some logic, reason and humanity.
EDL Manifesto (taken from their website):
(1) HUMAN RIGHTS: Protecting And Promoting Human Rights
Wikipedia detailing human rights, although human rights are something that vary by region. I'd like a view of when peoples rights where being appreciated during that march.
(2) DEMOCRACY AND THE RULE OF LAW: Promoting Democracy And The Rule Of Law By Opposing Sharia
A few stories from a news paper, something you read on the internet or what your mate in the pub tells you is not how you come to the conclusion that Sharia law is now a common method used to decide peoples fate. You use census, studies, conviction rates for such acts etc...
(3) PUBLIC EDUCATION: Ensuring That The Public Get A Balanced Picture Of Islam
Ties in with the same point above, just because the Daily Mail says that Islam is bad is not how you should reach the decision that Islam is some kind of evil.
(4) RESPECTING TRADITION: Promoting The Traditions And Culture Of England While At The Same Time Being Open To Embrace The Best That Other Cultures Can Offer
What tradition is that? We are a continually evolving species, our forefathers were from all over. Shouldn't we go back to the Catholic church if that's the case? Because Henry VIII decided we needed the Church of England so he could have divorces?
(5) INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK: Working In Solidarity With Others Around The World
It would be nice if this was the case and this is something we're currently working towards. However a group of people who don't even look to studies and rational to construct their manifesto are not the group of people you want involved with helping countries working together.
Campaign against groups who aren't making rational, logical and humanist decisions. They don't cover themselves in glory when they're willing to resort to violence. This is why I believe people find it easier to sympathise with the UAF as they are fighting for equality.
There's my few cents ;)