brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Bigga said:
Have you told them you support the EDL??

No, because I don't. That said, my politics do differ from theirs.



When you spout drivel like "we are being ethnically cleansed" and "churches making way for mosques", you claim your politics differ, I assume, from the EDL?!!

B*ll*cks, as Mr Gervais once said...
Bigga said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
No, because I don't. That said, my politics do differ from theirs.



When you spout drivel like "we are being ethnically cleansed" and "churches making way for mosques", you claim your politics differ, I assume, from the EDL?!!

B*ll*cks, as Mr Gervais once said...

Believe what you want. I am right wing but the likes of EDL/BNP are too far for me, I have black and Jewish friends (not muslim) who I would not like to leave these shores if the BNP ever got in and I would not like that. The EDL would not mind the blacks and Jews staying though I believe.

<a class="postlink" href="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_QfVWU-2pVL4/SqTeXYhGjtI/AAAAAAAAIJM/UGa9WpIARIQ/s1600/English%2BDefence%2BLeague%2Bsupporters%2Bhold%2Baloft%2Bthe%2Bflag%2Bof%2BIsrael%2Band%2Bgesture%2Bto%2Bpolice%2Bas%2Bthey%2Bare%2Bcorralled%2Binto%2Ba%2Bsubway%2Bfollowing%2Bthe%2Bdemonstration.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_QfVWU-2pVL4/S ... ration.jpg</a>

Bigga said:
You're a fool if you believe that as a permanent stance! They just don't want to be alienating too many people cultures at once. You can slide a paper between what the EDL and BNP stand for.

How naive are you...?

I suggest you form your own views and read up on the founders of the EDL (mixed race) and their senior members. These people would not be allowed to join the BNP.
Football hoolies.

If they ever get some credibility(I cannot believe I used that word in connection!!), whatever happens with the 'founding members' will change, eventually.

Here's the thing.... You agree with things the EDL spout AND the BNP which puts you with one foot in each camp.

That says to me, that they are close in 'thinking'(yeah, I know!!) and therefore close enough to amend views to work together.

You really are naive.
Bigga said:
Football hoolies.

If they ever get some credibility(I cannot believe I used that word in connection!!), whatever happens with the 'founding members' will change, eventually.

Here's the thing.... You agree with things the EDL spout AND the BNP which puts you with one foot in each camp.

That says to me, that they are close in 'thinking'(yeah, I know!!) and therefore close enough to amend views to work together.

You really are naive.

They are close to thinking on one issue- Radical Islam. The EDL are a one issue group, whereas the BNP are against anyone that is not a WASP. They are both not particularly pleasant, but then neither are UAF/PFL and other extreme leftist groups. I agree with some aspects of the EDL/BNP i.e we need to be tougher on radical islam, but do not agree with the BNP's 'send the buggers back' argument or EDL's casual history or their agenda (if they have one beyond having a ruck)

I also believe that many members of UAF are well meaning decent people, but YOU are naive if you believe they too do not have a violent, nasty-militant underbelly.

It's all about free thought Bigga, do not try to pigeon hole me; I may have some slightly right of centre views but that does not make me one step away from Hitler. You often accuse me of contradicting myself when all I have done is agree with aspects of two differing groups/individuals/viewpoints. You see, the world is not (excuse the pun) black and white, it is possible to hear two sides and agree with points made from both camps.

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